Chapter 4~

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Another day of school, huh? Time really goes fast, you think frustratedly as you exit your dorm. I seriously need to get on with the plan so I can leave, it's taking so long and I frickin' hate St. Freya.

"Hey!" calls a familiar voice from across the hall. You recognize that it is Mei, and that one curly-gray-haired girl is standing with her. Mei waves while she continues, "Over here, I want to introduce you to one of my friends."

"Uh, okay..." you mutter under your breath, and you walk closer to them.

Wait a second. You recognize the gray-haired girl.

Is that Bronya Zaychik?! You look at her more closely, and your suspicions are confirmed. Yep, that's Bronya Zaychick. I haven't seen her since when we were both still kids at the orphanage...

It seems like Bronya doesn't recognize you, however, because she keeps staring at you with that same monotone expression. She doesn't even blink and it starts to make you uncomfortable.

"This is my friend Bronya Zaychik!" Mei exclaims cheerfully.

You decide to humor her and pretend you don't already know Bronya; besides, Bronya doesn't recognize you so it shouldn't cause much of a problem. "Uh, hi," you say.

"You look familiar," says Bronya, "but the Bronya doesn't know why..."

You stifle a laugh. Yeah, I wonder why...maybe because we went to the same orphanage?

"And you can introduce yourself," Mei tells you.

Your smile vanishes as quickly as it had appeared. "What? Why do I have to introduce myself? This was your idea!"

"Sure, but it's your name."

"But you introduced Bronya to me!"

"You still get to introduce yourself."

Was Mei always this infuriating? you wonder. Finally, you decide to go along with her; the more she trusts you the better. "Fine, then. I'm (Y/N)."

A tiny flicker of emotion crosses Bronya's face. It disappears soon afterward, but not fast enough that you don't catch it; you are surprised to see that it was uncomfortableness.

Mei gestures that you go on. "And your last name?" she prompts.

"...(L/N). I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

The uncomfortable expression from before reappears on Bronya's face, except this time it doesn't go away. "...(Y/N) (L/N)? Bronya knew someone by that same name back at the orphanage..."

"Yeah. And that's me." You quit joking around. "I'm the person you knew when you were a kid, okay?"

Bronya starts trembling, and she suddenly bolts away down the hallway. Mei swivels her head around to see her friend running away, looking genuinely shocked. "What? Did you guys know each other?" she asks. "I thought you'd never met before!"

"We knew each other really well. But that's a story for another time."

Mei looks back and forth between you and the direction Bronya had run, her expression conflicted. "I'm really sorry, (Y/N), but I have to go after her."

"No, don't be sorry." You look down the crowded hallway that was now devoid of Bronya, and you start to feel confused as well. "I'm just as confused as you are, and I think that going after her is the best option at this point."


-Mei's POV-

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