Chapter 8~

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You snap out of your thoughts. You're done thinking about the past. Especially about that.

Instead, it's time to focus on the present.

I need to come out clean to Mei, you think. About Kiana. I don't want to lie to her about that anymore... You realize that if Mei ran away from you at the cafe, she probably doesn't want to see you now, so you decide to slip her a letter instead. It would be easier than facing her in-person.

Mei's POV

I hear a quiet knock on the door of my dorm. Looking over to see who it is, I instead notice a note on the ground. Whoever it was must have slipped it under the door. I slowly walk over to the door, my head throbbing since I was crying all day.

I curiously bend over the envelope and pick it up. A red paper heart is taped over the seal flap. I flip it over, wondering who it's from, but there's nothing on the back other than the words "To Mei." I frown. At least leave your name...

Maybe it's a love letter from a secret admirer. That would explain the heart and why there isn't a name. I carefully remove the red heart sticker, my heart beating quickly as I excitedly fold open the paper inside. My smile disappears as soon as it came as I scan the letter. This was not exactly what I was expecting.

Hi, Mei.

What's up? How's it going? How are (pretend the greetings are crossed out)Okay you know what, I'm not even going to do a cheesy greeting. I don't even know why I even bothered trying. I knew I shouldn't have written this in pen.

Mei, I know you're mad. Heck, mad is an understatement for what you must be feeling right now. And, as much as I hate to say it, you have good reason to be...whatever you me. Let me get straight to the point: Bronya was right. I killed Kiana.

That sounds really weird when I say it like that. But it's true. I'm so sorry I lied to you. I never should have hid the truth. Especially since she was your girlfriend.

But you have to understand something. People like Kiana...I was practically raised to hate them. They destroyed my childhood. I was taken in by people who hated them too, raised by them. I was told to do my duty and let fate do the rest, and my duty then was to, you know, do what I did. And I had to follow that motto because I've never known anything else. I get that's no excuse for literal murder, but I thought you should know. I don't want to hide things from you, not things like this.

I've really enjoyed spending time with you. And, even though we haven't known each other for very long, I've always admired how you're able to put others before yourself. How you're so kind and honest, just a good person in general. I'm sorry I couldn't be like that for you.

Also, did you know that I'm leaving soon? You can forget all about me, or hate me forever, I don't care. This letter probably isn't going to change anything anyway.

But I just want to tell you: thanks for making at least some of my hate-filled life enjoyable.



I finish reading. Tears drip down my face, onto the paper. I crumple the soggy note angrily and rip it up into a bunch of pieces.What's wrong with them? 'People like Kiana'?! What do they mean by that?! I throw the pieces onto the ground.

At least (Y/N) was right about one thing.

A stupid letter isn't going to change anything.

Your POV

You sigh, hoping Mei reads your letter. Of course, you can't guarantee it...she does hate you, after all, but you still have hope. You had put your real, true feelings into that letter...feelings that you hadn't shared with anyone until now.

Anyway, you have other things to do right now. More specifically, leaving.

You dial a number on your phone. It rings for a while, and you wonder if you'll have to leave a voicemail or something, but the person you're calling fortunately picks up. The person who'd sent you on this mission in the first place. You have an important thing to ask them.

"Hey, (Y/N). How are you doing?" Their voice sounds crackly because of the low-quality audio receptors.

"Nevermind how I'm doing," you answer. "I can't do this anymore."

There's a pause. "So...I take it you're not doing too good."

Anger starts to pulse through you. "Of course I'm not doing too good! This mission is too much, okay? Send someone else to do it, because I definitely can't!"

"Woah there, (Y/N)...what do you mean this mission is too much? It's just watching some girl and earning her trust. You killed someone once, remember? That was a lot worse than what I'm asking you to do n-"


Silence on the other end. "Oh," they say finally. "That's not...that's not good."

"Wow, tell me something I don't know," you scoff. "Now, listen to me and get me out of here."

"...I can't." The person sounds helpless.

You stare at the phone, surprised to see that tears are forming in your eyes. "I—what do you mean you can't?! You're the one who sent me on this mission in the first place, surely you can take me back?"

"You've been gone for a while, (Y/N). A lot has happened."

You hear the phone beep a few times and realize that the other end hung up.

Shoving the phone back into your pocket, you shout a stream of curse words.
Guess I'll just stay holed up in my room until they can send me back...

fulmination (Mei x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang