6. Heard it Through the Grapevine

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"Can you call back later, she hasn't woken up yet. Yes, I'll tell her to call you back when she has time." I heard Rohan on the phone. My vision was blurred as I struggled to keep my eyes from closing again.

After that scare last night, I slept pretty soundly in the living room. I took one couch and Rohan took another. He stayed with me the whole night even though he probably could've gone back to his own bed once I was asleep. I was lucky to have him.

I let out a big yawn, my eyes watering.

"Ah you're awake. I made breakfast. Also there's a couple of people who called earlier that you need to call back."

I nodded. "Who was it?"

"Well, Richard wanted to know if he could come over to study with you. Then Celine called to confirm that you're going out with her later today. Guess you're pretty popular."

I groaned, still feeling somewhat exhausted. "I'll get back to them in a bit." I got up and slowly made my way toward my room, hesitating as I recalled the events of the night before. I saw something... someone... I couldn't have just imagined it. What was it? A flash of light and a dark shadow... it was all I could remember.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Rohan asked concerningly.

"No, no, I'm ok."

He nodded. "Just call me if you need me then. I'll make some coffee for both of us."

I slowly opened the door to my room. The sunlight was coming through the window now. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the room was empty, except for my own belongings of course. No shadowy figure here. I sat on my bed, pondering.

Then I noticed it.

My bed, it was warm! Was that even possible? I hadn't been to my bed in hours. I jumped off the bed, heart pounding.

I looked under the bed, seeing nothing there. I felt my other belongings around the room, then my bed again. They were cold, my bed was warm.

It was unnerving to say the least. I stripped my bed of the sheets and tossed them in the washing machine. Call me paranoid, but it just felt weird.

I ate breakfast and made a couple of calls.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Hallo, Y/N?" It was Richard. We were going to do some studying before I go out with Celine later.

Rohan opened the door before I could. "Hi there, you're here for Y/N right? Why don't you come in?"

"Danke, you have a very nice house."

"Are you a foreigner?"

"Ja, I am from Deutschland." He said proudly.

"Fascinating." Rohan sat with his hand on his chin and a notebook by him. "Tell me something interesting about yourself."

"Interesting? Well, my grandfather fought in World War II. He was in charge of some secret operations in Mexico before the war started."

"Oh I see, tell me more about it."

"We're not going to have time to study if you keep asking him questions." I interrupted. I knew Rohan was essentially interviewing Richard so he could get new ideas for his manga.

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