Chapter 20

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"So, Hyung, you going to telling what was going on when we were walking back to class?" Jisung finally probes his boyfriend when the class dismisses.

While both Changbin and Chan peacefully packed their belongings, Chan softly chuckles as he finds Jisung's innocent curiosity quite adorable. "Yeah, give me just a sec so I can get my stuff without forgetting anything."

Now mentally counting everything and "going though the list", Jisung begun to grow sightly impatient as he just wanted answers quickly. Now, don't get Jisung wrong; he isn't trying to be rude or to be bratty, he was just so curious of the whole situation he was afraid he would forget to ask. Processing to sway in his place or tapping to some invisible beat, Jisung waiting for the dragging seconds to past so he can finally get the answers he wanted badly.

"Come on, please just tell me already." Jisung internally whines.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you now, Baby," Chan suddenly chuckles as he coos at the youngest. "But to get to the point, I can read your thoughts--"

"Oh my god, please tell me you're not done explaining! That answer shouldn't be just left there!" Jisung suddenly bursts almost dramatically which leaves a speechless and blinking Chan who was clearly not expecting that reaction.

"I. I wasn't done just yet--but, anyways, yeah apparently I can read my soulmate thoughts. Why? Your guess is as good as mine; I don't quite know why at this moment as this was just a recent discovery."

Once Chan's words finalizes, he swings his backpack back on, and walks out the room intending for the two others to follow along. Although leaving Jisung pouting wasn't all that ideal, both Chan and Changbin found their boyfriend's expressions adorable, but none of them are going to admit that.

"Calm down, Honey; I know you just want answers, but if it makes you feel better, Hyung doesn't even have the answers either." Changbin comforts while petting the pouting squirrel's hair.

Upon hear the two younger's interaction, Chan softly chuckles under his breath before joining along as he slowed his pace just a little to get a hold upon Jisung's hand. Cooing at the Maknae, Chan proceeds to press a kiss upon his temple as reassurance which was effective at brightening up the youngest's mood; however, that left Changbin wanting one too despite the boy wanting to have a darker vibe and saying "I like dark" in his many attempts at English.

Amused at the younger's attempt to get some affection by getting next to Hyung, Chan grabs a hold upon Changbin's hand before too pressing a kiss upon his cheek. Now although Changbin instinctually nuzzled in with Chan's touches, he wouldn't easily admit to being Chan's "baby".

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