Bondage - "I like lots of things and but my biggest turn on is bondage."

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Being tied up and vulnerable for him was what I could only imagine. My arms were tied behind my back with a rope and my legs were strapped with a leather belt, leaving a small opening to get to my lower area. After this whole night, I wouldn't have expected my boss to have me in this position. So what happened?

My day was filled with tons of paperwork and meetings. To say I was stressed would have been an understatement. Being the boss's right-hand woman in the company was a task on its own but during the holidays it was a whole other chore. I had to fill in for coworkers on vacation on top of the loads of work I had for myself. On a normal day, I would be the boss's shadow, but on days like this, I barely have seen him since the moment I walked in. It kind of felt weird not to be around him.

Finishing up the last of a coworker's paperwork, he called me into his office, which was unusual. He normally would've waited until I reported back to tell me whatever he needed to tell me. Neatly stacking the finished papers on my desk I moved swiftly to his office. Coming out of his office was a blonde older looking lady blushing and giggling. She looked at me and straighten up. Flames lit in my eyes for a brief moment before I calmly smiled back. Granted I did have a crush on him and may have had some....suggestive thoughts, but whether he feels the same or not is none of my concern. He said our relationship would strictly be business.

I walked into his office and closed the door behind myself, making my way to sit in front of his desk. "You wanted to see me, Sir?" He looked up from his work and sat back in his chair, flexing his arms when he placed them on the back of his head. "Yes, I wanted to ask you a question about something that's been heavy on my chest." I nodded and kept my composer, but on the inside, I was a giddy schoolgirl. It wasn't often he asked me for advice outside of work. In fact, we've only hung out a couple of times, which oddly sometimes felt like there were hidden intentions. "I've been wondering... " he shifted in his seat. "I don't know how to tell you, so just come here and stand before me." I pressed my thighs together hearing him instruct me to stand in front of him. I got up and stood in front of him to hear what he had to say next.

Before I knew it, I was in his lap straddling him. He pulled me into a kiss and for a moment I was stunned, but soon I was moving in sync with his lips. We broke apart for air. I was dazed for a moment, trying to come to terms with what just happened. "Seems like I was wrong. I guess you must have taken my words for strictly business seriously. Not that I wasn't at that time." He chuckled and lowered his head and put his hands on my waist threatening to lift me off. Without thinking I blurted out, "Do you want to go on a date with me?" He looked back up at me and smiled. "So I was right about you feeling the same way then." I fidgeted in his lap knowingly rubbing up against him but playing it off innocently. "Is 10 at my place okay with you? I know it's fairly late, but I have some work to finish up and I want to make sure the food I cook is perfect. " I nodded my head in excitement, "That's fine with me, whatever works for you." He nodded satisfied with my answer. I left soon after a short make-out session feeling the stress from the day's work leave me and make my way home to prepare for the night.

When I got home I stripped from my clothes and got into the shower. Before I did though, I looked into my cabinet and was met with my birth control and razor. I thought for a second and finally convinced myself that I would rather be safe than sorry. I did a full body shave and took my birth control. With only 45 minutes left, I decided on a simple eyeliner and lip gloss look along with my hair sprawled out in its natural form. As for my outfit, I settled to wear a long sleeve, black turtle neck with a grey, plaid pencil skirt leading with a slit running up the side paired with black laced heels. I added some accessories and perfume while gazing into my mirror. Now getting into my car I checked the time and realized I was running late. "How the fuck did I lose track of time." I started the car and reached the address he sent me as quickly as possible.

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