Chapter One

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A/N: I just had to post this! I've been invisioning this story for weeks now. I hope you all enjoy it! Comment, vote, and like!! 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Chessa and the situation. All else belongs to Lewis Carrol, and the movie producers of both Alice in Wonderland movies.


Her blue eyes were focused on something, her pink lips pressed into a straight line. Blue hair fell in waves to her small shoulders blowing slightly in the light breeze as was the simple white sundress she wore to cover her frail frame. She could see them coming- Chess and Hatter. Her brother and suitor. She was nowhere near excited for this meeting, as she was not eager to marry. This was of her mother's request; her dear, dead mother who wanted her to marry from her homeland.

Chess saw his sister glaring in her human form as he floated along in his natural one- a cat of purple tint. He stared at his sister, transforming as he neared with his friend. Chess was handsome as a human, but to himself it was just odd; he did not know why his sister preferred it. His purple hair was straight and tickled his ear annoyingly, and his vision became slighter as his eyes shrank from their normal magnificent size. Worst of all was the annoying clothing, a purple suit with a pink pin-striped suit. All the same, it was how his sister preferred to see him, and it would be much easier to control her as a human than a cat.

"Chessa," Chess called out to his sister, stopping across a field from her. He watched as her form vanished. For a moment, she did not reappear and Chess was worried she had run off. But then she was right in front of himself.

"Brother," she breathed, reeking with fury. She did not wish him to be there, and she did not wish to be married. Chess knew this. Truthfully, neither did the Hatter, the silent gingery haired man who looked on. His heart was with a woman who had set off from Wonderland around a year previous. Alice. But, the Hatter knew Alice would not be returning to him and that, by marrying Chessa, he would be doing his friend a great favor.

"Good afternoon, sister," Chess said coolly, "I'm glad you showed up, else I would have to bring you here myself."

"If I disappeared you would never find me," Chessa hissed, her mouth pulling into an angry grin as her teeth bared. Chess narrowed his eyes as the Hatter just raised a thin carroty eyebrow.

"Behave yourself," Chess growled. Chessa's blue eyes slanted to resemble that of a cat's for a moment, but then her face returned to a human like form. It held a completely blank expression. Chess gave a small nod in approval. His sister may not have been jumping with joy, but at least she was being good. "Now, Chessa, I believe you have heard of my friend here, the Mad Hatter, and you are aware of your impending engagement."

"I do not want to marry him," Chessa announced bluntly, acting as if the Hatter was not even there, "I do not love him Chess; I want to marry someone who I choose and I love."

"The Hatter is the only man in the land mother approved of for you, and more over he is the only one who will have you. You will not keep youth forever, Chessa, and you have made no attempt to meet eligible men and socialize. Perhaps if you had before mother had died, she would have left your life to you," Chess scolded his hot tempered sister, who's eyes were once again slanting and lips stretching, "Control yourself!" Chessa opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off.

"If I may, my lady, Chessa," the Hatter spoke up, clearing his throat. Chessa's eyes darted to the tall, lanky, pale faced man dressed in mismatched garb. His wild, curly hair was held down by a velvety top hat and his accented eyes were staring at her expectantly. "Now, if you will end your complaining, that would be pleasant. I am not very happy about this arrangement, either, but I am aiding your brother, and doing a favor for your deceased mother- may God bless her soul. I understand you may be upset, but you will just have to find your way through it as I am to be your husband."

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