Chapter Three

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"What do I do? Just... go in?" Chessa asked, reaching her hand out for the doorknob.

"No, no!" the White Rabbit chastised, "Heavens, Chessa!  Have you no manners? Even in our world we had the courtesy to knock!" Chessa glared at the naked rabbit in her cradling arm for a moment, then used her other hand to rap thrice on the door.

"Now can I go in?" Chessa huffed, reaching once more for the knob.

"No!" the White Rabbit hissed, "Wait for someone to answer!" Chessa groaned, but retracted her hand and pretended to be patient as she waited. It took a whole minute for the door to open of its own accord, revealing a stuffy looking lady who held her ugly nose high into the air.

"Yes, who are you? What do you- AH!" The woman screeched as she saw the rabbit in Chessa's arms, and backed away. "What are you doing with that, that-!"

"Mother, what seems to be the matter?" another pompous voice came from in the house.  As the figure approached the door way, Chessa saw that it was a man. A very, very, very unappealing man with bucked teeth, red hair, and a degrading expression that Chessa supposed usually made people around him feel like scum. However, Chessa herself was as arrogant as the man and his mother plus some, and did not feel threatened by the two of them. No, she felt repulsed. If the Hatter was in love with this woman's daughter.. this man's sister.. Well, then maybe it would just be best if Chessa turned herself around and went to marry the Hatter to spare his sight.

"I'm looking for a Alice," Chessa announced plainly, showing no real interest and giving no last name, "Is there one here?" The man sniffed haughtily at the name.

"I suppose you mean Alice Kingsley," he droned, shaking his head, "My father's associate, that indecent woman. I'm not sure why a nice, proper looking girl- except for the rabbit of course- would be looking for such a lewd woman." The older woman shook her head in agreement of the vulgarity of this Alice Kingsley, the girl Chessa supposed she was after.

"Doesn't even wear stockings, the barbaric girl!" the woman practically shrieked in horror, causing Chessa to give her a very odd look as she lifted up her own skirts to see her stocking-less legs. The White Rabbit didn't like this idea, though, as he slapped her hand to stop her, making her drop her skirts, something that did not go unmissed by the buck toothed man.

"What is wrong with that animal of yours?" he asked with obvious repulsion as the White Rabbit went back to a normal bunny state of stillness and nose twitching. Chessa looked down to him and sighed dramatically.

"Just normal rabbit things, I suppose, though sometimes he froths a bit at the mouth," Chessa said smirking, in means to embarrass the rabbit, but in addition she gave the two in the house quite a fright.

"That animal has rabies?!" the woman cried out, trying to slam the door shut. This, though, was unsuccessful as Shannon  had stuck her foot in the doors path.

"Yeah, whatever," Chessa shrugged, having no clue what this 'rabies' stuff was, "Look, lady, I just need to find Alice. The one you're talking about."

"Get that vile creature out of here!" the man shouted, panicked and as scared as a little girl.

"Well, I don't believe I can pick you up, you cowardly piece of dung," Chessa smiled sweetly before looking to the woman, "Now, you old hag, I'll ask one more time. Where is this Alice Kinsley you are talking about?!"

"My husband at the docks will know! Just get yourself and your diseased animal out of here!" the woman screamed. Chessa smiled, removed her foot from the door, and took a step back as the door slammed firmly in her face.

"Just a real social butterfly, aren't you?" the White Rabbit blurted, exasperated with Chessa's rudeness with what could've been their only link to find Alice, "And why on this strange Earth would you say I have rabies?!" Chessa shrugged.

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