Chapter Six

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Chessa sighed happily as she sunk into the bath, her hair loose from the bonnet and her eyes drifting closed. It was so very relaxing. Her skin stung slightly from the heat, steam furling up from the water in little clouds.

"Come now, Chessa, you must wash up- no napping," Rabbit told her from where he was washing up in a pail beyond the curtain which separated Chessa from the rest of the world. A soft sigh left the girl's lips and she slowly slipped beneath the surface of the water, eyes closing. Her hair splayed on the surface, aqua waves floating on the clear surface. The thought of drowning played at her mind just a moment as breathing was impossible in that instance. Of course, Chessa had no interest in dying- she had too much to do. Emerging from the warmth the water provided, she took a deep breath, cool air filling her lungs in a delightful way which made a smile cross her lips.

"Yes, yes," she agreed, grabbing the rough bar of soap and dragging it across the skin of her legs to take off some of the grime, going up her hips and stomach. "What do you think of him, Rabbit? Will he make a suitable guide?"

"Well, Archibald does seem trustworthy. And he certainly is... different from the rest of these closed minded people. Thinking rabbits should be in cages... It truly shows the flaws that they have in this society, doesn't it?"

"Surely it does," Chessa agreed with a slight smile.

"And I do believe that he enjoys your company more than would be ordinary. I do believe you might have found yourself a husband on your way to find the Hatter his wife, Miss Chessa." This startled Chessa just a tiny bit.

"No, Rabbit, you are very much mistaken. Archie has no... Special interest in me. Of course he doesn't. He is just a very sweet, very odd boy who wants to help a very odd girl." But did she fully believe that?

"Can you truthfully say that you have no 'special interest' in him, then?" Rabbit asked, sounding nearly amused which made Chessa's cheeks flame into a blush.

"N-No! Certainly not!" she replied, much too hurriedly to sound anywhere near believable. To this, the rabbit laughed and tutted.

"Whatever you say, Miss Chessa." She could hear him moving about. "Finish with your bathing and I will fix your hair back for you. I'll be staying here which you go off to dinner- I may try to contact Hatter and your brother... Just bring back something, won't you?"


Only after Chessa's hair was neatly hidden beneath her bonnet was she allowed to leave her room. She was dreading the rest of her stay in this world if it meant Rabbit would be tugging relentlessly at her hair day after day- it was torture...

Somehow, though, that dread dissipated as Archie came into view in the sitting area of the inn where he waited for her, looking prim and proper but also just like himself, a goofy smile plastered onto his lips. Chessa returned it with a small smile of her own and took the arm which he offered.

"Are you really so self-conscious of your hair that you must keep it up? You are truly beginning to peak my curiosity, dear Chessa," Archie teased as he led her out onto the dimly lit pavement. The sun had set while the two were within the inn, but now the street lamps were flickering with light.

"Perhaps I know exactly what I am doing, Archie," Chessa smirked, "I see nothing wrong with a bit of curiosity on your part- you have certainly made me wonder about you."

"Mm, I have, haven't I?" he chuckled as he led her into a small eatery, "Well, let us see how much of a mystery we can be to one another, shall we?"

"That sounds like a very fun game," Chessa grinned, suddenly not minding that her hair was tugged beneath the bonnet.

"Let it begin, then," Archie winked, placing a small kiss on Chessa's temple, making her very curious indeed.


A/N: Not very long, but look at Archie and Chessa.... Weirdo little cuties. And yes- I am back! I am hoping to get in more updates over my winter break :D 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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