Chapter Five

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"Two tickets for the next ship to America, sir. Two rooms, I think, would do. Next to each other, of course," Archie told a man once he and Chessa and Rabbit arrived at the docks after a very argumentative walk.

"Mr. Husher, are your parents aware you are traveling to the Americas?" the man at the docks asked warily. Chessa frowned. Did it matter? She needed to get to America- she needed to find Alice!

"It's not as if I'm staying there," Archie shrugged, "Just ensure a ship captain knows who I am so I can return without any hassle, alright?"

"Alright, Mr. Husher… Who is your companion?"

"I'm Chessa," Chessa told the man haughtily before Archie could tell him, not that Archie had even known her name.

"Where are you from?" the man asked, "I recognize most people from around here, and I don't recognize you."

"I traveled a long way to find Alice Kingsley," Chessa said, "but she isn't here."

"That's why we must get on the next ship to America," Archie told the man, "It is urgent we find Alice Kingsley. Now, can I have the tickets?"

"Most captains and crews aren't too keen to have live animals running around.. Does that rabbit have a cage?"

"I shall not put Rabbit in a cage," Chessa huffed, "He's already embarrassed enough by his lack of clothes, so he will not be further shamed." The man looked at Chessa like she was crazy, but Archie grinned at her.

"Marvelous, isn't she?" Archie sighed, "Now, about the tickets?"

"Yeah, yeah, taken care of," the man said, shaking his head. Chessa was happy this madness over tickets was over, because she hadn't understood the need for whatever these tickets were. They got into the boat, and got off. Why did they need things to do it? "The ship leaves first thing tomorrow. I'd suggest you get some things packed, and perhaps tell your parents, Mr. Husher."

"Oh, they'll be fine without me for a month or so," Archie waved off, before walking away from the docks and the ships on them.

"Hey, where are you going?" Chessa called after him, still standing in front of the man. Archie looked back at her.

"They aren't leaving until tomorrow. Get your things, I'll rent us some rooms at the inn a little ways from here," Archie told her. Chessa hurried to catch up with Archie.

"Why can't we leave now?" Chessa questioned. "We need to leave now so I can find Alice quicker."

"Why do you need to find Alice so badly anyway?" Archie asked in a curious tone, ignoring Chessa's question to himself, "I mean, she will be back if you wait a while."

"If I wait a while, my brother will find a way to drag me home and force me to marry a madman whom I do not love," Chessa said dramatically. Archie raised an eyebrow to her.

"So… You wish to marry Alice instead?"

"No! No, the madman is in love with her!"

"You are setting Alice up with a madman? That isn't very nice."

"It isn't as if I know her."

"You don't know her?"

"My brother and the madman do, and the madman is desperately in love with her and I think she, too, loves him," Chessa explained, "So, I will take her back and I will be free."   

"Ah, alright," Archie nodded, "And where does the rabbit fit into this?"

"Oh, he's helping me."

Chessa Out of WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now