Chapter Two

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A/N: I do so love this story :3 Please enjoy and tell me what you think!


"Oh dear, oh dear!" the White Rabbit mumbled to himself as he ran through his rabbit hole, holding a bag which contained a white bonnet, a suitable blue dress, a pair of black boots, and a length of white ribbon. He should have never trusted Chessa, never! Cheshire cats could lie with ease and weave stories from nothingness! Had he known she was just trying to escape marriage he would never had helped her!

And how cruel of her to bring Alice into all of it. The Hatter had been with Chess when the White Rabbit had explained all that happened, and when he was finished, he was almost in tear! He was at least able to be of some use in the state and had quickly made the dress- that looked very much like one of Alice's- and bonnet the White Rabbit now possessed to hide Chessa in until the Rabbit could trick her back into the rabbit hole..

"Chessa!" he called in his  shrill voice, "Chessa!"

"What is it, you silly rabbit!?" Chessa snapped, looking out from high up the tree. She had regained her normal personality.

"Well, I never!" the White Rabbit gasped, affronted. He was not some silly rabbit like from this world; he did not run about without any coverings and he did not do his business out in the public for all to see like them either. No, he was a civilized rabbit in a nicely ironed waist coat that waited to go to the bathroom. "Chessa! You get down here immediately and put on these clothes your brother and the Hatter sent for you! We will be leaving shortly!"

"I shall change my attire," Chessa agreed, as she had seen a few people out walking around and she did not fit in. Chessa disappeared, then reappeared in front of the White Rabbit. "But I am not leaving this place without Alice," she finished, grabbing the bag, "And you may tell my brother that." The White Rabbit was taken aback. Did she... Did she actually intend on finding Alice?

"I believe your brother would rather hear is from you," the White Rabbit told Chessa, inviting her to run back into the hole that fit snuggly under the tree they both stood beneath. Chessa only snorted at his response.

"Yes, I go to tell my brother, and he drags me back to the White Kingdom to be watched until it is time for me to marry," Chessa hissed, "It will not be happening, Rabbit! I will not go back and marry when I may stay out here, find Alice, and get out of this mess! Now, run off and tell my brother."

"If I leave you I know you will run off," the White Rabbit grumbled, "I preferred you much better in Wonderland..." Chessa rolled her eyes. He wouldn't say that if he knew the real her. "Now, tell me Chessa... Do you... Do you actually intend on finding her? On finding Alice for the Hatter?"

"Yes," Chessa admitted, walking around behind the tree so she was hidden from plain sight. She began changing, and continued speaking, "I do intend to find the girl for Hatter- anything to get out of marrying the mad man! Since you obviously seem intent on staying with me, I suppose you can help me find her. Now where should we start, Rabbit? And how to the world does this work?" Chessa emerged from her spot behind the tree, now sporting a exquisite gown of blue with white trimmings and black lace-up boots. In her hands were the ribbon and bonnet. It was the White Rabbit's turn to roll his eyes.

"Have you never donned a bonnet, child?! How uncivilized.. Come, kneel down and I shall do it for you; we must hide that hair of yours," the White Rabbit huffed. Chessa sighed and knelt down, turning her back to the rabbit before tossing the bonnet and ribbon over her shoulder at him.

"I do not see what is wrong with my hair," Chessa grumbled as the White Rabbit used his small hands to do up Chessa's thick blue hair. "Ouch!" she yowled as he pulled at it , tying the ribbon tightly around the hair to form a bun.

"Oh, you are a tough girl, do not act like such a flower," the White Rabbit reproved, before asking, "Have you see any people maintaining hair such as yours? Blue?"

"No," Chessa muttered as the bonnet was shoved onto her head.

"Exactly," the White Rabbit said shortly, hopping around Chessa. He tied the bonnet tightly under her chin, and tucked any bits of blue hair under it so it was all hidden. "Now, don't you even try to take your hair down from there," the White Rabbit warned, snatching the sack he had given Chessa back. He, too, had to look normal, and so here he was tugging off his nice waist coat. Oh, how he hated Alice's simple world.

"What are you-" Chessa began, but cut off as a rabbit ran right past her, as naked as the day it was born. "Oh," she finished.

"You will have to carry me," the rabbit explained as he stuffed his waist coat into the bag. Hopping back to the rabbit hole, he stuffed in the sack, then returned to the standing Chessa.

"You must be joking," Chessa grumbled, but all the same she reached down and picked up the White Rabbit, holding him as she would a baby. The White Rabbit, uncomfortable with the position, flipped himself so he was on his stomach rather than on his back, though he was still in Chessa's cradling arms.

"Now," the White Rabbit began, "if I do remember correctly... The place I found Alice was in this very garden... Perhaps that up there is her house." Chessa looked round and then saw it- a very large, very grand manor. Chessa smiled and, holding the White Rabbit tightly in her arms, began running toward the home as the poor Rabbit cried, "Chessa! Please, slow down!"


"Where are they?!" Chess shouted, his voice reverberating through the tunnel. The Mad Hatter watched his friend from where he sat huddled on the dirty ground, his chin resting upon his knees. He was still shaking from sadness and anger. He missed Alice so... And Chessa- the nerve! She had lied, and worse, she had used Alice to do it! He was furious with her!

"The Rabbit is probably trying to get your sister to comply with reason," the Hatter mumbled distastefully. He would rather prefer Chessa to stay gone, in spite of his friends feelings. He did not want the deceitful cat to return... "Why do you not just go after her if you are so worried, Chess?"

"I cannot!" Chess barked, turning on his friend. Seeing the Hatter jump, Chess quickly composed himself. The Hatter did not know any better.. Many did not know the rules under which Wonderland followed as they were truly ancient. "There are rules, Hatter," he explained quickly, "Only two Wonderlandians may leave Wonderland at a time. I have no way of going to find her unless the White Rabbit returns, which he probably won't in worry of her running off.."

"Well, in time, I'm sure he will get her to come back," the Hatter shrugged off, confused as he saw his friend begin to anger once more.

"No! She must come back soon, not 'in time'! Hatter, it is another of the rules! If she stays away from Wonderland too long, she will no longer be like us. She will become normal, but will still be un-normal... It is confusing but she will basically be caught in the middle, and Hatter if that happens... I cannot bear the thought, Hatter... If she.. If she is gone to long..." Hatter stood, seeing his friend becoming more and more distressed.

"Chess, what is it?" he asked, walking to the human Chess, who had tears running down his face.

"If she is gone too long, Hatter," Chess mumbled, "she will not be able to come back..."

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