Chapter Four

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"Rabbit, do you know where the docks are exactly?" Chessa questioned as she walked down a rock path from the pompous humans' house.

"Well, docks are near water," the Rabbit commented, "Have you seen any?" Chessa thought over the question, then nodded. She had seen a very large sum of water gathered out in the open when she had been in her tree.

"I know where to find some," she smiled, proud of her knowledge of this strange world, "This way I think.." She stayed on the path until it came upon a road that ran in two directions. Looking both ways to try and figure which she should go, Chessa finally took the left path and started to walk once more. "Oh Rabbit, I hope we find Alice quickly. I may not like home, but it's better than this place," Chessa complained, "I don't know why Alice would want to live in such a headache of the world."

"Are you talking to that rabbit?" a young, male voice suddenly asked, making Chessa jump. She looked around, but saw no one immediately.

"Who is there?!" Chessa asked with irritation biting at her words. She didn't like to be tricked, and whoever was there was most likely a human.

"Just me," the voice said again as the owner of it hopped down out of a tree. Chessa raised an eyebrow at the young man before her with mismatched clothing, messy hair the color of ginger roots, and bright blue eyes that smiled right along with his eyes.

"What were you doing watching me?" Chessa questioned, a little angrily.

"What were you doing walking into my line of sight?" the man retorted with a laugh. Chessa tilted her head, frowning. Was this guy just all smiles?

"Well I am dreadfully sorry," Chessa muttered, rolling her eyes, and continuing on her way to walk around the annoying man.

"Hey, wait up!" the man laughed, turning and following her, making her want to hiss at him- but she felt Rabbit may frown upon such cat like behavior in this too normal world. Instead, Chessa just pretended as if she hadn't heard him and speeded up. Still, the man pursued. "Hey, come on! You seem a little lost."

"I am not lost," Chessa huffed, receiving a sharp look from the rabbit. Perhaps she needed some help finding the dock, but she was far too proud to ask for it.

"Well, where are you going?" the man questioned, running a little to walk beside her.

"The docks," Chessa shrugged as the man scratched behind Rabbit's ear.

"Well, for one, you are going the wrong way unless you are visiting the docks in the next town over," the man remarked, "And if you are going to the docks  to drown that rabbit, I'll gladly take him off your hands." Chessa snorted, but turned towards the man all the same.

"No, I am not killing Rabbit and thank you for telling me which way to go," she said through gritted teeth, "Actually, I am trying to find someone."

"Who, I probably know them," the man grinned. Chessa rolled her eyes.

"Her first name is Alice. Last name Kingsley," Chessa explained, watching the man as he thought over the question. Then, once more, that annoying grin grew onto his face. Chessa wished she could smack it off.

"I'm your guy! I know exactly where she will be- I talked to her boss earlier today and he told me straight off," the man told her, grabbing her by the arm and beginning to lead her the other way.

"Well where is she?" Chessa questioned, pulling her arm out of the man's grip.

"She's gone to America to conduct business," the man explained.

"America?" Chessa asked in obvious confusion, "What in the bloody world is that?"

"Oh, it's a lot like here, really," the man clarified, "Just across the ocean. You would think everyone would know about it by now, but I guess you are the exception now."

"Well, when will she be back?" Chessa pushed, growing quite tired of asking questions.

"A few months, maybe a year," the man shrugged, but seeing as Chessa seemed confused, he deliberated, "Basically a long time. So, I can either take you to get on a boat so we can get to Alice faster, or you can wait around for her to get back."

"A boat… And who said anything about we?!" Chessa demanded, gripping on to rabbit a little tighter so he spluttered a bit.

"Yeah, a boat will take us across the ocean to America.. It'll take a week with good weather on our side," the man explained to her, ignoring the second part, "Now come on. I think there will be another ship headed out soon, and we need to be on it."

"Again with the 'we'! There is no 'we', here!" Chessa shrieked, earning a pinch from the rabbit, whose ears were aching from her high voice.

"You've got one pair of lungs on you," the man laughed before holding out his hand, "My name is Archibald Husher, but my mum and pop always called me Archie for short." Chessa glanced between his hand to his face, and pulled an awfully annoyed expression.

"You must be kidding with me," she groaned, to which Archie- of course- laughed.

"Of course not. I never kid."


Only Chessa and Rabbit and... a new friend! Awe, look at Chessa making some friends!

Anywho, COMMENT AND VOTE AND FAN! Because it makes me happy :3

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