something of the cieling.

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a simple shiver latches onto me, ignorance inducing bliss, developed amongst such agonising heat from everybody gathered so closely, such agonising innocence to the point that it rots you away internally and makes you question the sense of reality you've held before being here. uselessness comes into play on these kind of days, the idle thriving as they crush eachother against mirrors with a single order. bows and spiders web tangling between us all, a mess of dresses and frantic struggling to get even a slight glance outside.

the sincere hint of naivety reeks from this room, glowing from candles fire and the sweet smiles of steadily crowing crowds, familiar and unfamiliar visages. the iridescence of the glass ahead presses against me ever so slightly, begging to glance upon the pretentious being poised amongst a crowd, perfect pose, perfect projection, perfect presentation: the figure had been consumed by a superficial sense of confidence, gathered from shards abandoned on the ground, left from each reign, parent to parent. why do so many bother to get on their knees and pray desperately to such a tyrant of torchlight, dissolving within his own hubris the more i view. this behaviour has always remained the same, each second that passes an extra point of self worth is inflicted into the facade he formed for himself to hide behind, an infection of adoration that shall only lead to a hamartia and demise that shall be remembered for decades, as it always did in the books i used to read. hunting for some sort of worship from a dysfunctional society, shattering from each unending whisper of the superior, he never gives up no matter what may halt him. it sickens me. it sickens them equally.

i mean i assumed they did from the attitude of the picturesque, extravagantly painted cielings above shifting progressively, something within draining to form only a slight puddle of ebony and an eternal night personified. nothing ever made a word against the presence above us, avoiding complaining in the scenario of lack of appreciation caving us in, betrayal of family isn't worth risking over a blemish in the surroundings. thats why nobody bothered them. thats why it could watch with such bitter content, occasional attempts to bother the fields of lace beneath and tug aimlessly at bonnets, begging to provoke those bored from the tediousness of existing and utterly exhausted for a bit of sick entertainment, swallowing each glare and mumbled expletive in their smile. yet despite all of this, i still managed to remain in awe of such a creature, unaware of where they may have came from and what their purpose was.

keep me alongside the divine figure, whether fuelled by drunkenness or not, the seeping sense of upcoming regicide emanating from the two of us, a string of sheer black and fate between our bodies. though for as long as i mutter to myself about the floating sensation, the rules state i may have an inability to move from this very spot, forced to gaze at the pretentious bastard still giving a speech until his non existent brain melts from every part of his body, until the crowd turns to a fine dust, coating the streets like a pointless blanket. melt me within me own agony and grant me part of this roof with the entity keeping their piercing gaze on me at all times, longing for me as i do for them, trailing a finger towards a new form of sin, a new saint i may kneel to if its faint voice could only ask. perhaps they wanted freedom just as much as we did or perhaps they wanted to give it like a knight in shining armour, taking a morbid twist in a sweet childs tale. it was intruiging seeing such a foul beast want something more than to tear off limbs with crackles and growls echoing out, wishing for nervous stares from possible victims, omnipotence and ease drifting.

i never assumed love was truly an option for escape and yet here we are, one above and one below, dark and light (though i never truly considered myself perfect and spotless the shade seemed to still be attached.)
how embarrassing, falling for anything but a provided suitor would leave me shunned by this house, yet the temptation to let myself be captivated by this thing, carrying me away from this new state of cruelty, still managed to flicker.

become one with me.

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