sister asked of me.

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and the banquet continues, now tinged a little with soot and darker essences of those superior and those i have chosen to bow down to, the immense distraction proving beneficial to my interaction with this creature, embracing dark in light in the most unnatural of ways. each attempt at eating, talking, behaving was interrupted constantly, proving to be a nuisance at first though increasing in adoration as the event continues, drowning out that light smothering the table in unnoticeable flames and giving harsh words to each child's sudden movements. with all of this effort to keep his offspring in check, there was nothing but ignorance for the figure, a morbid smile etched deep into its face from the leisure of playing with its food, now attempting to grasp at the cutlery in its sight. sister cotton only mumbled nonsense towards me, slight giggles from the seat beside me kept to a heavy minimum to avoid suspicion from the hypocrite on the leaning edge.

'what an interesting specimen.'


'whats their purpose here?'

'theyre a friend.'

'they sure seem attached.'

'like a dog to its prey.'

'i would love to study them more.'

'im unsure about that. unruly thing.'

'you speak of them like a pet.'

'far from it.'

exchanging words strictly to the confined space between us, they managed to keep vieled orhs fixated on the two beneath no matter how many seconds, minutes, hours may have passed in this interval, only providing a mere head tilt to the serious tone yet colloquial nature of it all. a way in which they drooled slightly, tongue stretched out of the corner of their gaping mouth in an unquenchable lust for something, whether it be consuming the flesh on this vessel's fragile bones or embracing it in other means creating a haze internally could only be interpreted later. i'd always wondered where exactly that ripple in the cieling would transport me, though it seemed to be simply just another void, another empty space that could mirror the mentality i secured, nothing alluring about the idea of engaging in intense familiarity. regardless of this, there was some form of attachment there, almost as if one talon it possessed beckoned me in there with urgency.
why exactly was it so interested in me, i questioned so many times.

'i'd find it humorous if it lifted you off your seat.'

'father would not allow it.'

'you believe he'd even bother to halt it?'
'... perhaps.'

'youre too on edge. ill make something up.'

'i dont believe you.'

'pinkie promise, charon.'

how innocent to assume the matters were as simple as tampering with them, a mongrel that would bark at any given command and brush up against the crook of my neck in an urgent attempt to recieve any form of aggressive affections it could get me to muster. deeper motivations are hidden within, ones they could never fathom could come from such a polite, reserved, patient doll as myself. oh the irony.

i needed more from them, more than words could even begin to create any comprehension, only the vision of reckless actions could be understood at this moment in time, though i'd refuse to let them witness such debauchery, on the brink of the complete obscene. not even my own thoughts could gather the outcome myself, practically unrestrained and wandering off by themselves to be indulged in by the one above in hierarchy, impetuous and infectious. surprisingly, this form is one i shall sacrifice towards them, giving it up with one persuasive hint, the soul stripped directly from the tattered skin, thrusted into a position of absolute submission.

our bodies must become one, a state above anything that may be described as heavenly, even the seraphim above envious of what we have come to be. something deeper, something stronger, something more formidable to the regular human eye. give me something, anything, for i still long for a sign that you reciprocate how i feel even if its in undesirable animalistic tones, snarls and purrs the only communication im willing to gather, incomprehensible yet so adorable, pleasuring my ears.

a softened gaze turned towards me, intruiged by the sudden haze within my visage, having stared down at the plate ahead with frozen anticipation for god knows how long. a tint of pink clung to my cheeks as the realisation struck me, heart skipping a beat for once, having taken a singular emotion in my grasp for the first time in a long while.

'where have you been exactly, hm?'

'dream world, apologies.'

'as per usual. silly.'

'oh be quiet.'
i kept in a hum of laughter, restraining my mouth with one hand.


i need to finish my food, the texture is growing to be uncomfortable and putting me on the verge of gagging. hurry up. stop making a fool of yourself.

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