⚠️chapter 5- I'm so scared Luke⚠️

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ this chapter includes mentions of r@pe, teen pregnancy and body image issues

He smiles slightly "I like you too" kisses her forehead

She smiles and closes her eyes, snuggling into his bare chest

He wraps his arm around her



They both fall back asleep

The next morning Julie wakes up early from a nightmare and she goes and locks herself in her room, Luke tried to talk to her but she wouldn't even reply

She was like that for the next 2 weeks, ditching school and rehearsal, spending all day just trapped in her room, not answering anybody and everyone has become very concerned

One day Luke knocks on her door

"You know you gonna have to talk to us eventually, it's not like you can avoid us forever"

"Ugh fine" she gets up and unlocks her door and lets Luke in but then immediately shut and locks it

She sits back on her bed with her knees to her chest

"Well I know somethings up with you since you've been avoiding us so tell me, please"

"I-i'm-" starts to slightly shake "I'm so scared Luke"

"Hey come here"

She looks in his lap "there's no catch, is there?"

"No, no catch"

"Okay..." Julie slowly makes her way to sit in Luke's lap

"Am I allowed to hug you?"

Julie nods "yes, thank you for asking"

Luke slightly smiles and wraps his arms around her and she instantly relaxes into his touch

"So um you know I've been sick a lot more recently"


"Well um the thing is" *takes a deep breath* "someone r@ped me and I winded up pregnant, I was scared to tell you that's why I've been avoiding you guys recently even and I couldn't stop blaming myself for it" she wipes away her tears with her sleeve "so that's that..." looks down

"Hey, look at me" she continues looking down

"Please Jules" she looks at him

"None of this is your fault so don't blame yourself for anything, okay?" She nods "and I don't know how yet but we will get through all of this... together"

"Um can you please lay down" Luke nods and lays down

Julie lays with her head rested on his chest and Luke puts his arm around her

"Wait so when did this happen?"

"2 weeks ago, when I was late to rehearsal, then I yelled at Reggie by accident and he got scared... it actually happened I was walking home from school and I was just up the block... by the convenience store and Flynn came and picked me up after"

"Okay um is there anything else you wanna tell me while we're here?"

She nods "um the man, he also stole my underwear and still has it and I really really don't want him to have it"

"Do you have any memory of what he looks like?"

"No, I didn't look at him, I couldn't... what makes it worse is that it was my first time too and I really wanted that person to be you"

"You did?"

She nods

"Well I'm sorry it didn't turn out that way"

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault anyway"

"Yeah, I know but I still feel bad"

She sits up and pulls her hoodie off to reveal her sports bra

"What-what are you doing"

She gets off the bed and takes off her sweatpants

She goes to look at herself in the mirror and she sighs when she sees herself

He gets up and hugs her from behind "Julie, you know you are the most-" she turns around and looks at him

"Beautiful women you've ever seen, yeah I know that, you tell me like a thousand times a day but It is just really hard for me to see what you see..."

"You are the most beautiful women I've ever seen and I know you might not believe me but I'm never going to stop telling you that"


A/N- not proofread- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you like my story, if you have any questions or request please comment them below and I will reply to them! 

word count - 718

Jatp fanfic- mature themesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang