chapter 7- just get out

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"OKAY FIRST, YOU COME WITH ME" Reggie holds onto Luke's wrist and pulls him in the hallway

Alex and Julie laugh "have funnnn" Julie yells

"Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming, you can let go"

Reggie drops Luke's wrist

"So how can I help you Reggie?"

"As Julie's kinda older brother I have to do this, if you hurt her-" *cut off*

"I'm not gonna hurt her Reg"

"You don't know that but if you do, you will regret it"

"Yes, I know that"

"Just remember why you and Alex broke up"

Luke looks back over at Julie and Alex

"If something did happen to you guys it would effect the band"

"I know Reg" looks back over to him

"Just be careful please" Reggie walks back to Julie and Alex

Luke sighs and follows him

"He's prepared" Reggie says, Luke sits down on the edge of Julie's bed, not looking up

"Well thank you Alex and Reggie for coming to check on me but I do need to talk to Luke alone"

"Okay, just don't do anything I wouldn't do" Alex comments

"Okay, out you go" Julie practically pushes Reggie and Alex out of her room and locks it. She walks back over to Luke and leans over to kiss his hairline "you okay?", Luke doesn't respond so Julie lifts up his chin "what did Reggie say to you?" Luke looks back down "you don't wanna be with me, do you?"

"I- um..."

Julie closes her eyes "just get out please", Luke looks up at her "out!", he gets up and leaves

Julie shuts the door and slides her back down the wall, she crawls up in a ball and rest her head in her knees; crying "I'm invisible, I'm invisible" she repeats


A/N- not proofread- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you like my story, if you have any questions or request please comment them below and I will reply to them! 

word count - 349

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