chapter 13- nightmares

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ this chapter involves mature themes

"Yeah, I like this" she says

"Me too"

"Um, do you mind if I fall asleep?"

"Go ahead, I will too"

She leans up and kisses him again "thank you for understanding, I really hope I'll be ready soon" she smiles and closes her eyes "I love you"

"I love you too"

In the next 30 minutes, they both fall asleep

A couple of hours later Julie wakes up from a nightmare; shaking

Luke wakes up and immediately realises what's happening and rubs her back "shhhh it's okay, it was just a dream, I got you now"

She continues to shake

"Okay deep breaths, inhale" she inhales "good now exhale" she exhales "and again inhale" she inhales "and exhale" she exhales "just one more, inhale" she inhales "and exhale" she exhales "better?"

She holds him tightly "yes..."

"Can you tell me what happened in the dream?" she nods and sniffles

"Um... it was set in a couple of years from now because we had a kid but you left us, saying that we fell in love too young and that it was never gonna work out"

"Well it's just your brain messing with you hun"

"I don't like it"

"I know you don't but we all have nightmares and it sucks"

"Yeah, it does"

"Well I got you now" she smiles and cuddles into him

"How's our little baby feeling today?" rubs her belly 

She smiles "I guess they're good"

"Yeah" kisses her belly and she smiles but wraps her arms around her tummy

"Hey, hey" pulls her arms to her sides "you are the most beautiful women I've ever seen"

"Yes, yes, great, that's not my point, I feel movement" takes his hand and places it on her tummy

"But... isn't it too early for that"

"Yes..." sits up and sees the blood "Luke... I'm bleeding..."


A/N- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you like my story, if you have any questions or request please comment below or send me a message and I will reply to them! 

word count - 372

Jatp fanfic- mature themesWhere stories live. Discover now