Chapter 14- I'm sorry...

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ this chapter involves mature themes

Luke sits up and Julie immediately holds onto him and starts crying 

Luke hugs her back tightly "do you want me to drive us to the hospital?"

She doesn't respond, just nods

"You're gonna have to let go"

She sniffles "can you carry me please?"

"Okay" he picks her up and carries her down to the car

The drive to the hospital is the longest drive of their lives, Julie is still crying and Luke is trying to comfort her, still while focusing on driving

Eventually, they get to the hospital and end up in a room, waiting for the doctor to come

The doctor comes in "how can I help you both today?"

Julie doesn't respond so Luke steps in "um Julie is pregnant but she was bleeding when we woke up this morning so we rushed over here to check if everything is okay..."

"Yes, we'll do an ultrasound and check for you, please just change into this hospital gown while I get the nurse, just lay down on the bed when you're done"

"Okay, thank you, doctor" Luke smiles and the doctor leaves 

"I'll turn around"

"It's fine, you've seen me in my underwear anyway" she gets up and changes into the hospital gown

"I'm really scared Luke" she lays down on the hospital bed

"I know you are, so am i" holds onto her hand and kisses it

"Can you please hold my hand the whole time?"

"Of course I can"

"Thank you" sits up and kisses him

The nurse knocks on the door and comes in

"Hi Miss Molina, my name is Nurse Gracie, I'm here to perform your ultrasound today"

Julie smiles slightly "just call me Julie"

"Okay Julie, I'm just gonna push away the gown from your tummy and apply this gel, it might be a little cold

"Okay" Julie looks up at Luke as the nurse pushes away the gown from her tummy and applies the gel

Luke smiles at her and Julie smiles back

"Okay, I'm about to start" she starts the ultrasound 

"You know I'm sure you see a lot of these, can you at least just tell me if everything looks normal?"

"I'm sorry, only the doctors can give the results"


A couple of minutes later the nurse finishes the ultrasound 

"The doctor will be back with your results shortly"

"Okay, thank you Nurse Gracie" Nurse Gracie leaves

A couple of minutes later the doctor comes back and Julie sits up

"I'm sorry" shakes his head

Julie and Luke look down and start crying 


A/N- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you like my story, if you have any questions or request please comment below or send me a message and I will reply to them! 

word count - 456

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