chapter 15- dinner?

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About 20 minutes later Julie and Luke arrive back home

"It's gonna be okay Jules" hugs her from behind 

She pushes his arms away "just leave me alone"


"What? It's not like you wanted this in the first place, you probably just saw this as a chore to get me"

"That isn't true"

"Just leave me alone please" Julie runs up to her room and locks the door

Luke sighs and heads back to the car, driving off to his parent's place. Tears are streaming down his face that he has to pull over, eventually, he gets to his parents and hides in the bushes; watching them

About 15 minutes later he heads back to Julies and luckily the studio is empty so he hides up in the loft

He lays down on the bean bag and eventually accidentally falls asleep

About 10 minutes later Julie burst into the studio looking for Luke, as he's in the loft she can't see him

"He left... of course he left... god're such an idiot" she buries herself on Luke's couch and continues crying

Luke wakes up and hears Julie crying so he looks over the edge and sees her 


"L-Luke?" she looks up "Luke!" she runs over to the ladder and starts to climb up

"Careful" she slows down a bit but climbs up to the loft

"I'm so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean any of it, I was just really sad about losing the baby and I still am and I- I can't lose you too"

"Okay calm down Jules, it's okay" holds out his arms to hug her

"It is?"

"Yes, I promise" 

"Thank you" she runs into his arms 

He smiles and closes his eyes

She looks up at him and he opens his eyes


She has a cheeky smile on her face

"Seriously what?"

She places her hand on the back of his neck and goes on her tippy toes 


"Yea, you get it now?"

He nods and leans in closer to her, noses touching

Ray enters the studio and Julie quickly pushes Luke away and he falls on the bean bag

"Jules? Is that you?"

"Shit" she whispers "yes, it's me, I'll come down now" she slowly climbs back down the ladder

"Hi dad" hugs him

"I just came to check on you, you've been rather distant recently, I just wanted to make sure"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just been busy with music and everything"

"Well okay Mija, just make sure you come to me if you need anything"

"Of course"

"Also I wanna talk to you about something"

"And that would be?"

"Carlos saw you and this Luke guy sleeping in the same bed together"

"Oh... right... dad, Luke is my boyfriend so you'll be seeing a lot more of him now"

"Okay but next time I need you to talk to me about him sleeping over"

"I was actually gonna ask you if there's anyway he could move in with us, he's having a really hard time with his parents and that night when he slept over he got into a really bad fight with them so I just let him stay"

"I'll definitely think about it but I need to meet him first"

"Yes, of course, how's tomorrow night for dinner?"

"That works"

"Okay, well I'll let him know"

"Well I'm about to leave for a photoshoot so you and Carlos are gonna be alone for dinner so here's some money for pizza" he gives Julie some money

"I'll see you in the morning?"

"Unless you're awake then yes"

"Okay bye"

"Goodbye" Ray leaves

Julie lets out a relieved sigh and Luke climbs down the ladder

"Great... this is just what I need right now" 

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay, just relax, it could have been worse, he could of gotten mad"

"I mean I guess but it's also a dinner with you and my dad after the fact I got raped, got pregnant, lost the baby and almost every time I look at your face it kills me and I have to just pretend that everything is fine..."


A/N- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you like my story, if you have any questions or request please comment below or send me a message and I will reply to them! 

word count - 724

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