chapter 9- I love you too

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He smiles and kisses her back until they both pull away

She smiles and lays back on her bed and he sits beside her


"Just giving you a chance to change your mind if you want"

"I'm not going to change my mind, now lay down!"

He smiles and lays down and she buries her head in his chest

He wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer

"Goodnight" he kisses the top of her head

"Goodnight, I love you" she falls asleep

"What did you just say?... Julie?..." sees she's fallen asleep "I love you too" smiles

He closes his eyes and shortly after falls sleep

The next morning Julie wakes up and sees that Luke is still asleep

She rubs his cheek "Lukey pooky, time to wake up"

He opens his eyes the slightest amount "Lukey pooky, really?"

"Just get up" she sits up

He sits up and wraps his arms around her before she can get up "five more minutes pweaseeeee" pouts

She looks at him "Fine, five but please let me go"

He lets go and lays back down

She lays with him and brushes the hair out of his eyes

"Luke, when you do fully wake up I have to tell you something"

"Oh, don't worry, you already told me last night"

"I did?"

"And I love you too"

"Wait what?"

"You were gonna tell me something else, weren't you?"

"Well yeah but you love me?"

He smiles and nods "Yeah, I do, do you?"

She kisses his nose "I do" smiles

"Wait so what were you gonna tell me?"

"Oh um... Luke, I'm gonna keep this baby and I would love for you to raise them with me but I understand if you don't want to but that does mean we can't be together"

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere"

She smiles widely and hugs him, a few tears run down her cheeks

"Are you crying?"

"Maybe just a little, it's all these pregnancy hormones, you are gonna have to stop being so nice, it's annoying"

He smiles "I'll try"

Reggie burst open the door

"JULIE, LUKE'S- with you... ALEX, I FOUND HIM"

Alex walks over to them

"well, you guys have clothes on still so that's good"

"but still" Reggie runs and jumps onto Julie's bed, sitting between them and putting one arm around Luke and the other arm around Julie "sorry, we thought he was missing"


A/N- not proofread- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you like my story, if you have any questions or request please comment below or send me a message and I will reply to them!

word count - 428

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