Blue is the color of Ice, part. 1

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This is an abnormal tale of something I encountered way back when...

Once when I was a young child I was caught in an accident. On that day I should have died, along with a few twenty or so people with me. There was a fire in a library and most people were able to make it out, on account that they were on the first floor. But alas, the rest of us on the second floor were blocked, trapped from a staircase that collapsed. We were all panicking, running around like chickens with our head cut off because the fear of being burnt alive. I thought surely all hope was lost. No one was coming, we could no longer scream for help because of the black smoke engulfing any air that was left. The fire was causing more damage by the minute as the remainder of us huddled in a corner praying for a miracle that was never going to come. Then as my world began to turn black and breathing was nonexistent except for coughing spasms, something happened none of us thought would even shine on us. A loud thunderous noise caused the walls to crumble as we could make out light making our eyes sting and the open air released the smoke that threatened to end our lives. Two people came into view that would save all twenty of us from the fire, on that day, our lives certainly would have ended if they didn't come to save us when they did.
Two super beings emerged saving people, doing the job of a do-gooder, becoming well known around the world. None could match the hero's reputation as they soon became a global phenomenon. Together they were truly amazing and saved so many lives. And then one day it all stopped. The pair vanished and were never seen again. As mysterious as they appeared they did the same leaving. It was unsure if had simply teleported into another dimension or was swallowed by a black whole, but one thing was for sure the heroes that everyone had come to love and rely on disappeared from this world for good. I mean sure there were other heroes out there but none that were as remarkable as the pair, the greatest superheroes that none have ever seen.
This is a story of how they didn't leave us empty handed. In fact one might add that they left us one hell of a parting gift for life.

Superhuman/ Blue is the color of IceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora