Blue is the color of Ice Part 2

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Forrest Raven was twenty years old with no plans on what he really wanted to do with his life. He was, what one would call, lost. It wasn’t that he was depressed or anything, or at least that he knew of. He just felt like there was something missing in his life and we’re not talking romance.

Forrest had a handsome face, like that dirty blonde-haired, blue-eyed type of guy. He had a birthmark on his right eye that he treasured, on account most of his girlfriends thought it was quite attractive as they giggled at how handsome they thought he was. He wasn’t all good looks, making Mr. and Ms. Raven proud was his main goal growing. He did well in school, was a natural leader, and excelled in anything he put his mind to. Forrest was certainly not afraid of people with his hot head and all, he was able to take care of those toxic people and their dumb morals without much fight. He had a way of getting people to change their minds. He soon graduated from school with an associate's in the philosophy of the human brain and majored in sociology.
And yet, that’s when it all started. Forest’s life finally started. He became part of the herd. No need for his fiery personality or a reason to keep going. Forrest became a working-class citizen.

Forrest shivered, pulling his coat tighter. Why did he choose to continue living in the place he was born and raised at? Temperatures there were far too
cold for his liking. He couldn't stand the ache that his body gave him from the freezing air. "I should've moved somewhere warmer." He sneezed for the fifteenth time in ten minutes, so he swore. He wondered if he was catching a cold.

Soon was cut off by a bike, interrupting his thoughts and causing a grumble to his escape his mouth by habit. Saying something along the lines of how much of ass they were. Yet another reason he shouldn't have left his car at the car shop as suggested. "Should've just dropped it off in the morning."

Coming up to a row of townhouses Forrest started pulling his keys out, fumbling with them as he listened to the jingle, was Keith, his roommate, home? He rolled a hand across his forehead in annoyance. Not that he wasn't grateful for him moving in and helping him out, but Keith was kind of bothersome. It was almost like he was trying to mess with Forrest. Inviting strange people over and having loud parties even though Forrest needed to be up early the next day. Eating all the food and not telling him till he either got home or not at all. He hardly cleaned after his company and left things out that really should not be out in the open and of course turned down the AC.

Forrest spotted mint green buildings and raced up to the door closets to him unlocking them. As soon as stepped inside he immediately felt strong cold air nip at his neck. He shivered. "Damn it! Why is it so cold?" His place wasn't half bad. They had all the necessities that a normal house would have with some extra possessions laying around. They were young men after all. He rubbed his arms turning a light on to see where he was going before rushing over to adjust the temperature of the thermostat and then proceeding to put his things away. Forrest stripped his jacket off and hung it in the closet as well as putting his bag inside which he always did when coming home from work. Let's just say he didn't feel comfortable leaving his things out in the open. Dreading to see the impact of Keith and his friend, Forrest looked around his small living room. It only made him wish I never decided to do so, to begin with.

End of part...

Hey there guys!
Hope it was jucy enough for you all.
Let me introduce myself to all of you. I'm a beginner writer by the name of, Link Van Graves. Live in the states and my dateof birth is October 8th, 1989. yes you guess it mysun sign is a libra. I've got loads of ideas to share with you all, but for now, I'm gonna take it a step at a time.

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