Blue is the color of Ice, Part 4

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Dear Supporters,

      Sup, I'm Link Van Graves. I'm a beginner writer who specializes in fantasy and the world of fantasy. Heck ya. Btw, nerd vibes are kept on the down low. Sad boi for life, part Korean part white, and part everything else. Feminist supporter meets gay writer. No, I'm not a queer but rather a supporter. More of a suspense than a romantic writer. Heading down the path of my thirties and finally thought maybe I should take a leap to do my own thing. I do live in America, hot ass Arizona to be exact, and thought I needed a change in my life. Maybe it was because of a breakup or not. Some people make music, some people write whole ass stories, check. Hope you fall in love with my shit or whatever. Yes, I hold a modern style of voice.

   Peace, simps;

          ENJOY, Link Van Graves,

“What the crap, Forrest, I texted you over an hour ago!” A woman shouted on the phone. Voices in the background made it nearly impossible to hear her, but they didn’t bother Forrest not while he was intoxicated from her voice. “Hi, Katrina. What’s wrong did something happen after I left?”

“Yeah, you not answering your stupid phone, I mean why even have one if you’re not going to answer. Anyways, Carl wants you to come in early tomorrow and don’t even think about forgetting to bring in the spare key. It’s the millionth time in three months that you’ve forgotten.”

Forrest’s hand flinched to his pocket. The spare key to the freezer was still in his possession after coming in with it nearly every day. Forrest smacked his head. “Ah! Sorry Katrina I forgot again. I’ll bring it tomorrow.” He hated himself.

“Just don’t forget. Carl needs you to come at seven. There’re several shipments coming in and he needs you here on time, ok.” “Yes definitely.”

He didn’t understand why he acted so dumb around her. He found Katrina Reginald to be so cute and attractive that whenever she got close to him, he lost all composure. What with her beautiful locks of light brown hair that perfectly curled around her ears. And her perfect hazel eyes that laid like a doll on her round on her face it was no wonder he liked her. It wasn’t like he didn’t have girlfriends or something before, Forrest just couldn’t explain it, he genuinely believed they were meant for each other.

Not that she acknowledged his obvious crush on her, she had a boyfriend who just happened to own the restaurant she worked at, Carl. He had no chance with her either, they were a couple for three years and their relationship was still going strong. Carl was a douche in Forrest’s opinion, the ungrateful bastard didn’t deserve an angel like Katrina and hoped that he choked on his horrid cooking skills. He had seen Carl firsthand cheat on Katrina when they worked late hours together.

Forrest scowled the more he thought about the two of them. Grabbing the food in the microwave he headed back to the couch, making a quick reminder of when he needed to get up. After finishing his food and cleaning up after himself he decided to watch one more episode, making it halfway through Forrest found himself very relaxed as he sunk into the couch deeper. Feeling like he couldn’t move from the couch swallowing him into a relaxing comfort Forrest drifted to sleep unable to keep his eyes awake any longer. “Maybe I should go to my bed…”

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