Blue is the Color of Ice

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Alright so I now you've all been thirsty for sometime now, don't worry, I'll make time for all of you. However, I want to remind you, "Blue is the color of Ice," is a short story of multi-storied within, "Superhuman." Sadly, It is drawing to end. But don't worry, I've still have more goods for you. Next chapter in the "Superhuman series is, "Fire Turns to Ash." Bet you can't wait to read this one. Lol

Forrest jolted awake gasping for air, his throat was dry, lips were cracked from lack of water. High-key, he swore he was hit by a truck from how stiff he was. It was cold again, he ignored it. The events from last night were on replay in his mind, no matter how hard he tried to not think about it anymore. He was addicted to the trauma, for reasons unknown he couldn't explain, Talon, made him want to shit bricks. A cold sweat clung to his skin as he pushed himself out of bed and dressed for the day. Forrest was going in for a long shift, he just knew it, it was something about the energy in the air, it wasn't sitting right with him.

Racing downstairs he looked at the time, he still had an hour before he had to leave to catch the shuttle but he liked to be early, especially if it meant that he could spend more time with Katrina. The lingering bad vibes were starting to lift, Forrest felt lighter the more he thought about it. Promise, so not a creep about it, he worked in the kitchen most of the time anyhow, but he was glad to be in the same building. Just thinking about catching a glimpse of her or hearing her voice was bringing a smile to his face. Forrest was starting to convince himself he needed to move on, but you know, baby steps.
"I'll just grab something to snack on real quick." Forrest headed towards the kitchen. As he as he'd rather skip, self-appreciation starts with breakfast, even if it was something to snack on. He made it a goal to focus on positivity this year. Lost in thought, he nearly ran into Keith and gasped at the fact the night owl was actually awake at this time of the day. He normally didn't wake up till closer to evening. The young man held a steaming cup of what smelt-like, like coffee in his hands. "Oh, you're up," he looked at the cup into his lax face barely making a surprised look at it. Typical of Keith, he never really held too much expression, except for last night. Keith brought the cup close to Forrest, "coffee?" Forrest took the offer from Keith, "thanks," he muttered. Great he was making this awkward, wasn't he? Not that he meant to, he was just hung up on recalling the events that passed.
Keith didn't seem to notice the tension. "I made breakfast too." he came close to the counter and pushed a plate toward Forrest. "Look if I'm being straight, I wanted to apologize about what happened yesterday. You don't have to worry, it won't happen again and that guy won't be back. I sort of let him have it."
Forrest couldn't help but let out a loud sigh of relief. He knew it was kind of rude, but he couldn't help himself, it was what he needed to hear. "Thank Gods," he looked at Keith realizing he said that part out loud.

"Erm... I mean, you a real one for making breakfast. He grabbed a strip of bacon, I did not feel like making it today," he took a bite from it before he muttered about how delicious was.
Keith announced that he was going to go back to bed before tossing a pair of keys to Forrest. "Picked up your car, thought you'd like to take your own vehicle then the shuttle for once.
Forrest finished his breakfast before heading out. He had plenty of time till he had to make it to work, on account he now had access to his car, despite nearly getting into an accident, which was not his fault, in case you were wondering. He was bright and early, ready to slave away for work just to see Katrina. On stocking days, she always came early to help out. He couldn't even be bothered as he locked the car door, forgetting his bag and running inside out of excitement.

"She's not coming today," Carl said while handing a crate of apples to Forrest. "She's visiting her parents or something like that. She'll be gone all day."

"Super," Forrest said under his breath, feeling the once energized being sucked away and filled with dread.
"Oh, I nearly forgot, I need you to stay later tonight, you don't mind, do you?"

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