Blue is the Color of Ice

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"C-Carl?" The urge to run away nipped at the back of his mind. But it had to be Carl, there was just no way it wasn't. I mean to say, if Carl was not responding and was nowhere to be seen even though he said that he was going to be there, and the person in front of him wasn't Carl, it might have insinuated that... Forrest shook his head. He didn't want to think about it, but how else could he explain the eerie feeling he had about the person in front of him. Maybe he just needed to stop being so childish, everything was going to be fine.
The shadow in front of him stood still for a moment before it suddenly turned the corner. It said not a word to Forrest, fanning the fire much worse than it already was. He froze, shaking in fear, his body was literally insisting that he remained in the spot despite his mind having a deep disagreement. Something was definitely not right here. Forrest took a step back, his legs were far too heavy to move correctly, if running for his life was a thing, He might have to consider a different option. He gulped. What was he going to do? He had no idea, but he did know one thing if he didn't come up with something fast things might get ugly. Perhaps he was taking it the wrong way, you know, like overreacting over something taken out of context. What if nothing was really going on and he was just imagining things? To be honest, Forrest couldn't tell you. His anxiety was going through the roof at this point, his heart was beating so fast in his chest that it was beginning to hurt. After what seemed like a few minutes of him standing in place, he started a collection of cold sweat all over his body. This was so unlike him; Forrest wasn't the type to freeze when facing conflict. Something triggered him with this outcome for no reason. Was it because of age? Then it dawned on him, there was one other time he held a similar reaction. Forrest's eyes widened, a scary scenario was on repeat in his mind, one that was now looking him in the face.
It all happened so quick, at least faster than what Forrest could see. In a blur, he was pinned hard against the wall, he felt his cheek smack against it with a loud crack echoing throughout his body. The pain traveled down his spine so fast he nearly didn't register that he was messed up by the impact, too busy struggling against the person that currently was twisting his arm in a tight hold. A sickening chuckle was heard in his ear in response to the cry he let out in shock. "You smell so odd, it's practically mouth-watering just thinking about it. I can't help but imagine myself sinking my teeth into that supple flesh of yours. I'm so thrilled to have the chance to run into you just so that I can have a taste."
The voice yanked his head to the side by his hair exposing his neck before he felt the attacker bite into his throat in an agonizing rip. The sound of munching echoed by the attacker tearing up his neck seemed louder than it was as Forrest struggled to no avail. He could do nothing but let it happen. Instantly Forrest began to feel his strength leave, weakness gnawed at his arms and legs as the creature behind him held him up with ease. A nauseating sound vibrated in his ears before he released him. Forrest let himself crumble to the floor, unable to move an inch.
"So delicious, so delectable! This blood is something special, it makes me want more!"
Still paralyzed, weakened from the energy drained from his body, Forrest could only look the attacker in the face. Horror crossed the realization that his nightmare was looking back at him. The man from the night before, Talon, with his jet-black hair, relaxed and in his face in a messy manner. His glowing yellow eyes that were currently drilling themselves a new kind of terror in the back of Forrest's mind while he was trying to catch his breath.
"You just had to be here in this place at this time of the night. What rotten luck you must have, you see after that taste it would be a waste to keep you alive after tonight." A shrilling laughter escaped his lips. A look that only a killer would bare rested in his golden eyes. "That's because I'm going to make sure that I drain every drop from your body." Talon clutched Forrest in a tight grasp as he brought him close to him, his mouth stretched wide open. Forrest could spot the fangs that seemed to welcome him to death. He immediately tried to fight him off in response. Talon's strength was unbelievable as he held Forrest in place.
Forrest couldn't look anymore. What was the point? He might as well just let it happen since there wasn't a thing he could do at that moment, not when death inched its way close, ready to pierce his only means of defense.
"Put him down, Talon."
Forrest's heart rejoiced in his chest. Did he just hear right? Was there someone there to keep him from his near-death experience? Forrest whimpered as relief ran over him. He met the floor with a loud smack, landing on his chest. Dots danced in his vision as he gasped trying to catch his breath. He looked up spotting one person he never thought would be in front of him. Keith towered over Forrest with his hand crossed over his chest, eyes seemed to be glaring, a cold look staring through Forrest's soul with a look he never held once on his face.
Talon chuckled, showing his sharp fangs in a twisted grin. "Interrupted again, I hope this isn't some disgusting habit of yours. After all, I was really looking forward to enjoying a nice dessert to end with."
Forrest pulled himself up on his wobbly feet. Barely able to support his weight, he leaned over onto a counter to keep himself from collapsing. "Keith, what are did you..." He could barely speak as he struggled to wrap his mind around what was going on. "You need to get out of here, Talon is a v-vampire!"
Keith let out an angry groan in response. He rolled his eyes, pulling a hand to his head, rubbing it in frustration." Forrest, why did you have to be here? How annoying. Keith tisked. "I hate change. How could you end up being such an inconvenience? You just forced me to relocate again."
Shivering came to haunt Forrest as he tried to focus on what Keith was saying. He didn't want to hear it; he couldn't believe what was leaving his mouth. What was Keith trying to say? He couldn't have been involved with his attack; he didn't know about Talon, did he? Forrest flinched to his painfully sore shoulder.
"Do you even know how much I put into being friendly and nice to humans like you? You're so oblivious that you didn't even catch on that you were living with vampires this whole time! How stupid could one person be?"
This had to be some kind of horrible joke, a nightmare! There was just no way that this was really happening. "H-hey, Keith. W-what is this? What's going on here?" Something went off in Forrest's head while trying to come to terms. He laughed nervously, tripping over his feet as he inched forward. He didn't dare leave eye contact with the dark green-haired man. This is just some sort of act, right, like you're pulling one over on me?" He looked up at the man, begging for an answer that would never leave his mouth.

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