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"Harry! Where is Mr Malfoy today?" asked Professor Slughorn.

I looked at the empty space beside me. "I don't know, sir."

"You haven't seen him?" he said, closing his workbook. "Aren't you in the same house?"

I saw Ron and Hermione perk up from their books at our conversation.

"Yes, but I haven't seen him today."

Actually, I hadn't seen him for the past three days. He might have dropped into the dorm once while I was almost asleep, but he left right away before I could talk to him.

This was the last thing I wanted to happen when I kissed him, not to say that I didn't expect it.

Just because he was gay, didn't mean that he had feelings for me.

And to be honest, I didn't know whether or not I had feelings for him either. I certainly felt a certain way about him, but I don't know if that feeling was romantic admiration. Though, it seemed an awful like it to me.

But I wasn't gay. I knew that I wasn't. I liked Ginny. And I liked Cho. I liked lots of girls.

Draco was not a girl. He was a boy. And I didn't like boys.

I couldn't like boys. What would the Daily Profit say? The Ministry? How would I get a job if they found out I liked men and refused to allow me a place of work? What would Mrs and Mr Weasley say? Or Ron? Hermione?

Hermione might be better about than Ron. She grew up in the muggle world, who—from what I'd heard—were far more accepting. Ron might warm up to the idea eventually, but that would t take away from the shock factor.

And Ginny? What would she do if she thought that I only dated her as a cover up? She would think I used her!

"Well," Slughorn sighed, "I hope you will find him all in good time. Now!" he clapped his hands together enthusiastically, "Seeing as the school year is just about half over... I am going to give you your final exam to start on now."

Hermione perked even more, her back perfectly erect and her legs in a ninety degree angle. I could almost see her ears open larger as she grasped onto every word, vigorously copying them down onto her parchment.

"Depending on what you decide to do, it may take a couple of months, therefore I want to give you lots of time."

He straightened his tie and tugged on his suit jacket.

"You are going to be concocting your very own potion, with a purpose of your choosing."

A breakout of murmurs erupted across the classroom. Hermione smiled wildly, Ron slouched. Seamus's eyes widened in fear as he turned to Dean with wide eyes. Draco wasn't there, so I had no one to express my apprehension to.

"You may work in your table pairs if you choose. I only ask that you do not brew anything dangerous or otherwise poisonous if any sort. I have enough injury accounts with you, Mr Finnigan," he eyed Seamus intently, who blushed embarrassingly.

When Slughorn finished taking, everyone immediately got to work with their potion ideas. I heard Neville say something about an Elixir of Life specifically for plants, and Luna turned to Blaise Zabini with the idea of Wrackspurt Repellent.

I had no idea what I was going to do. I didn't really want to think about anything at that moment. Draco would know exactly what to do,
if he would work with me that is.

I spent the rest of class in my head while we were supposed to be brainstorming ideas.

I had the idea in mind that I was going to skip the rest of my classes to find Draco, even though I still had Defence Against the Dark Arts and Astronomy left.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐆𝐨Where stories live. Discover now