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I sat quietly in the common room with Ron and Hermione, my chin resting quite heavily on my fist.

I didn't really want to be there. I missed Draco. It had only been two hours since I last saw him, but I wanted him back with me.

I couldn't have Hermione pestering about me distancing myself from them, not where it got to the point when people would notice. Ron was a little better about it, more relaxed. He didn't care as much what I did in my spare time now that he had Hermione as a lover.

They sat together on the couch across from me, Hermione's legs propped up on Ron's lap, an Alchemy textbook clutched in her fingers. Ron had his textbook out too, though it was laid limp on his lap, his head lolled to the side as he inched closer and closer towards a blissful sleep.

"Ronald!" Hermione nudged him with her knee. He shot up instantly, looking around frantically before his eyes landed on his girlfriend and softened.

"Oh, 'morning," he said, still groggy.

"It's ten at night, Ron," Hermione scoffed, "You fell asleep doing your Defence homework again."

"Oh," he responded, uncaring, "Whoops."

"Whoops," mocked Hermione, "You won't become an Auror by falling asleep every time you don't want to do something."

"Relax, this isn't due for ages."

"Harry said it's due tomorrow!"

"Harry!" he scolded me playfully. I lifted my head from my palm. "You must not tell lies!"

I forced out a laugh at his gesture to the scar on my hand, the hand that had been on display from supporting my head. I knew that they would worry if I didn't display some sort of positive reaction, but I just wanted to leave.

I think that Hermione saw my eyes absent of the smile of my face, she frowned slightly and sighed.

"Harry, you can go to bed now, if you like," she glanced at Ron, noticing his concern at her statement, "You look awfully tired," she added.

I looked down at my feet, feeling a little guilty for leaving them, or for not even attempting to enjoy the time I spent with them.

Quietly, I nodded and stood up, giving them the best smile I could muster as I retreated to the dormitories.


Draco laid curled up comfortably on my bed when I entered. He had a book in his hands, but not his sketchbook. It was a regular novel this time.

He hadn't noticed me yet—even though the door creaked when I opened it—and I smiled to myself. A genuine smile.

He had the comforter draped over him up to his chin, laying on his right side.

As silently as I could, I creeped up behind him and curled myself around his back.

He flinched, but only a touch, recovering quickly and melting into me. He laid his book face down on my pillow, turning himself around to face me.

"What book is that now?" I asked him once he ceased moving.

"Jane Eyre," he mumbled, pushing his face
to my chest.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐆𝐨Where stories live. Discover now