A second chance of love

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                A second chance

It was a pure fictional one specially for ardians

Points to be remembered

~  Abhimanyu died before getting married along with other upapandavas...

~ Panchali is Pandavas common wife but each one of them had only one wife other than Panchali..ie, only devika for yudhishthir..only valandhara for bheem, only Subhadra for arjun and only karenumathi and Vijaya for Nakul and sahadev respectively...

~ all Pandavas had only 2 sons..
1 from pachali and 1 from their other wife...

~ upapandavas ie, sons of draupadi died but  sons of Pandavas from their other wives are alive except Abhimanyu( ArSu son)...

It's been 3 months after that dreadful war....
kurukshetra had changed their life a lot..
After the war , everyone seemed moved on ...but not her....
All their happiness faded on the mahabharat war....from that day itself, the craving for live a life was  left from their souls  but still they are living for subject's welfare and to uphold dharma...

They lost everything there..their son, their family, father , brother ... everything...
Guilt of killing their own brothers kept stabbing inside their heart...
On such day...
Empress Draupadi along with her co wives was serving for their husbands....
But suddenly , everything before draupadi's eyes got blank....she started feeling dizzy and within minutes, she lost her senses and collapsed on to the floor....

Everyone including rajmata kunti got up from their seats and looked at her .. terrified...
Bheem carried her to the chamber followed by other Pandavas and co wives of draupadi...
They called raja vedya ....she examined her and her face got pale...
How can she say the news to everyone...??
She called kunti aside and presented the matter...
Everyone saw kunti placing her hands on mouth in astonishment...
No one understood anything....with a confused face, kunti looked at her sons and said in a shivering tone

" Putro.... draupadi is pregnant.!!!!!!"

" What?????" The Pandavas and their wives asked in unison and looked at each other in confusion... except one pair of eyes...

" She is one month pregnant with one of yours child'" kunti added...

And co wives started murmuring to each other...
" How is it possible...??arya yudhishthir was with me in this whole month...he never went to jiji's chamber in these months other than for official purpose..." Devika exclaimed..

" Yes..arya bheem was with her but only for helping her at kitchen ..but he never went to her chamber..." valandhara said

" I didn't see arya arjun going to jiji's chamber" Subhadra said .

" Arya Nakul too..." Karenumathi said and  Vijaya to stated the same thing....

"Stop murmuring" yudhishthir said to them in low voice...

Now , draupadi fluttered her eyelids and slowly opened her eyes...
Everybody looked at her curiously...
She sat straight on bed and kunti helped her...

" What happened mata... you all seems tensed what happened ?.." she asked

" Putri...you are pregnant" kunti said to which draupadi smiled , her eyes turned moist...
She caressed her belly and looked at her husbands...

" Now tell us putri  draupadi, whose child is this?" Kunti asked

Draupadi looked at her mother in law and started to speak...
" It was a boon given by Govind mata.." she said which shocked everyone..

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