Nepeta x reader

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You were hot, sweaty, and short of breath. You wanted to collapse, but you knew you couldn't. That's right, you were hiking. Nepeta and her sister had dragged you out of your safe comfy home and into the bug infested wilderness. She was just lucky that you loved her.

You were drudging on, heavy heat baring down on you like a soaked blanket. A backpack bounced on your little girlfriend's back, and her eyes were bright as she turned to you. "Come on!" She said, her high melodic voice full of cheer. You sighed, hanging your head and going along with her.

You never would've expected that you would see what you did when you came over the crest of the hill. You could hear Meulin screeching about "oh so pretty" and Nepeta giggling. But, with those two it may have just been some butterfly. Still, as you came over the hill, you immediately dropped the water bottle you had been holding. You stared in awe at the view the two girls had brought you to. You were on a cliff, basically, and you were overlooking a valley that had a river carving a deep winding line through the trees to gather at a lake toward the center.

"Isn't it great?" Nepeta said as she came up close to you, standing beside you with her hands tucked under the straps of her bag. Behind her, off to your side you could see the waterfall that roared off the cliff. You watched it, and then her. She seemed to be wanting your approval, and you gave her a slight nod before you smiled wide at her. That seemed to be all she wanted, and she bounded forward again to join meulin, who was promptly taking selfies in front of the valley.

After about 20 minutes of the two cat girls exploring and playing, they finally opened up the pack and set out the blanket. You all sat down, your little girlfriend stretching out and laying her head on your lap while she ate a sandwich. She smiled up at you with full cheeks, and you lent down to give a soft kiss to her for head. She responded with a soft giggle, and the two of you looked out to the valley.

There were clouds moving over, and the shadows of them floated slowly across the valley, making patches of darkness amongst the trees that looked like grass from way up here. It was nice.

"I love you" you said as softly as you ever had.

"I love mew too" she whispered

Your sweet moment was effectively ruined when her sister but in with an exclamation of, "that is so cute!!! Mew two are OTP!"

Nepeta proceeded to chase her sister around and screech at her, and you blushed profusely while they ran around. Yep... You were definitely a lucky person.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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