rose x reader

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You were fangirling to the max, and it was a bit embaressing. You were a geek, you knew that but it wasn't really something you cared about. It didn't matter what anyone else thought about you anyways.

Today was possibly the best day ever, a book signing. You had recently been reading a series of fantasy novels that were written by a Ms. Rose Lalonde and you are desperately in love with her. Its actually kind of depressing.

At the book signing, you wait patiently for your turn to meet her. The guy in front of you takes forever and you are ready to rip his eyes out while he flirts with her. She eventually fends him off and smiles warmly at you, waving you forward. Her eyes are scanning you, you can feel it.

You step up and smile at her, doing your best not to faint. You set the book down in front of her, watching her pick up the pen. "What's your name?" she asks. You studder a moment, actually forgetting your name before she giggles. Oh lord she is georgeous. You finally give her the name and she begins scribbling out her note to you before "bang" her pen explodes like a nuclear bomb. The ink is all over your copy of the book and your clothes. She squeaks softly, putting her hand to her face and rushing to get you another book. You laugh slightly, telling her its alright but she insists that she take you to dinner for your trouble. Hm... maybe this won't be bad.

Oh wait... No..  You are socially akward remember?

You spend the whole day picking out a red dress, going with a sexy yet sophisticated number that clings to your curvy figure all the way down to your legs.

Your hair is put up in nice ringlet curls that tumble down to your shoulders. Your makeup is simple but flattering, making your eyes shine softly.

That night, the two of you meet in a nice italian resuraunt. She looks dazzling in a soft pink skirt with a black blouse. She looks you up and down, smiling softly.

Halfway through dinner, she pats her perfectly applied lipstick with her napkin, looking up at you through beautiful dark lashes. "So ___ if you don't mind my asking" She began. You listened intently, leaning forward just slightly. "Would you consider this a date or romantic endevour?" 

You flush red in the face. Were you really that easy to read? "I'm sorry" you whimper, looking at the ground. She looks at you with a puzzled expression, reaching across the table and offering her hand. "I was asking for my own peace of mind" She said with a smile.

The rest of the night was spent chatting and laughing and yes... flirting. She holds your hand the whole time.

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