karkat x reader

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your eyes, no matter how hard you tried, would not close. what the hell was wrong with you? were your eyelids duct taped to your forhead or something? you tossed and turned, attempting to convince yourself that you were just uncomfortable. but the truth was your flush crush on a certain someone (who just happened to live one apartment over) was pretty out of control. after two hours of tossing and turning, you decided to take a walk. by walk you really meant aimlesslt wander around the apartment building until you felt better because god forbid you actually leave that place. it was scary outside at night! fuck that!

anywho, you went to go for your "walk" only to find that a certain someone (aka karkat to-cute-to -actually-exist vantas) was outside. he was slumped against te wall, looking blankly at his apartment door. you squeaked a bit with surprise, whimpering a small "imsorry" before opening your door to go back into your apartment. "don't apologize stupid" the boy said in a tired voice. "it isn't my fucking hallway"

you kept your eyes down as you closed your door again. "well... if you don't m-mind me asking" you said akwardly. "why are you up so late?"

"what are you? my mother?" he grumbled. you just squeaked another apology and went to walk away, cheeks burning with embaressment. you heard him studder a moment. "w-wait!" he said. "I... I'm sorry. I can't sleep so I'm being an asshole. well even more than usual." his tone was quiet but apologetic.

you turned. "really? me neither" you said. you walked to him, leaning against the wall next to him and sighing. "why can't you sleep?" he asked suddenly. "I mean you don't seem like the type to have the ever present pain in the ass that is insomnia so..."

maybe it was lack of sleep or possibly a rare burst of courage but you completely spilled. "because I have a crush on my hot grumpy neighboor" you grumbled. he looked at you with wide eyes, blinking in a shocked way before leaning forward and kissing your lips softly. "and I have a crush on my hot yet painfully akward neighboor." he said. you blushed softly until going into giggle fits from lack of sleep. he sighed "come on dumbass let's get you in bed before you start hallucinating." he said as he walked you into your apartment. he laid you down on the sheets and pulled the blanket over you, kissing your head and saying goodnight. just as he was going to leave, you whined and called for him to stay with you. he blushed softly, but nodded In agreement, closing the door and snuggling down under the blankets with you. his arms wrapped around your waist and the two of you drifted off with no trouble.

homestuck x readerWhere stories live. Discover now