john x reader

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you had been there. you had been there when he had no one else to go to. when his dad ground homophobia into his very core and when he had his long bouts of depression. you'd been through it all.

you had known john egbert since the first day of fourth grade when he got called a dork. you had stood up for him, telling the bullies to leave him alone and you had been inseperable since then.

when you were both 13, his house, only a few down from yours, disappeared. it was just gone. you didn't know why or how it had happened. you mourned over the loss of a lifelong friend as the local police department scratched their head and turned the other way. after three years, you never thought you'd see him again.

you had given up and tried not to look at the empty lot as you passed it every day. you were sixteen years old now, and you had never been this broken. he had to be dead. you knew that but not knowing where he was prevented you from letting go.

one night, as you tossed and turned in bed you gead a small "zzzhhhhhhhh" sound from not far away. you looked out your bedroom window, squinting against a bright green light in the sky as something like a comet came wizzing out of it.

that's when you saw the figure float down and touch the earth with soft feet. right where... that house used to be. that's all you could see, the suburban homes and mailboxes blocking your view of the dark figure. you stood, somehow knowing you had to see this person.

walking out of the house with a flashlight gripped in your right hand, you kept a quick pace on the clean sidewalk. you finally got to the lot, stepping onto it with a. shaky breath as you tred not to remember.

the figure was lanky, with a long neck and what looked like very long hair. that's all you could see with its back facing you. slowly, you walked up to the sillouhette, trying not to startle them. that's when you stepped on a small pile of dry leaves from ages ago.

the figure jumped with a start, turning and seeing you. you now saw that the long "hair" was actually some kind of hood and the person had familiar baby blue eyes and... jet black hair... and.... dorky... glasses

"john?" you choked out, your chest already aching with hope and tears. the fright and suspicion in the eyes of the boy cleared away slowly as a smile graced his lips, pulling them back and revealing slight bucked teeth.

"____?" he studdered, watching you with that same tragic hope in his own eyes. you nodded quickly to his questioning tone and the two of you just stood, not knowing what to do. that is, until he took the few steps to get to you, and wrapped his arms around your (size) frame.

he had grown so much, his arms not exactly toothpicks anymore and he was at least a head taller than you. he let out a laugh that turned to a kind of sob and you noticed his voice had dropped too.

the two of you stood there for a while before you invited him back to your house, waking up your gaurdian(s) and telling them that john was back. they of course had loved him before and were devistated almost as much as you when he went missing. you told him that the two of you would crash on the couch and of course he made you watch conair with him. again.

you have never been happier to see nic cage in your life.

you try to pry exactly where the hell he's been or where he got those amazing pj's out of him but he just avoids the topic.

just as you are about to drift off to sleep, you kind of scoot over and cling to john. "I missed you" you mumble softly. the buck-toothed boy smiled and is that a blush? you nuzzled his shoulder softly as he told you he missed you too. slowly, he leaned over and kissed your lips.

"I love you" he says

"I love you too"

homestuck x readerWhere stories live. Discover now