1: A Chance?

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Rose's POV

I don't know how I heard about it. Dad - or should I say Dad-from-parallel-universe - told me about it. He heard from some guys at work about it, the ones who work for the thing that's like Torchwood only on parallel Earth.

There was a Dalek invasion happening in London. I knew as soon as I heard that I needed to do something. London is where the Doctor usually is, and I couldn't just let him get caught up in a Dalek invasion.

Not without me.

I needed to get through to Earth. Somehow. I needed to do it.

The best thing I could do, for the moment, was to go back to the place where I'd entered parallel Earth, where I'd stood at the wall, crying for the Doctor.

My Doctor.

I wonder if he'd cried for me.

I didn't care if I had to walk - it might be that nobody would take me. So what? I'd walk if I had to. Nothing, nobody was dropping me getting back to Earth, where I belong.

But luckily, I didn't have to walk, because a job there came up for Mickey and it meant we had to pack up and hike over to live next door. That meant I had easy access to the exact room where I'd been transported.

I had a chance.

The first night in the new house, I couldn't sleep a wink. So at 2am, I crept downstairs fully clothed, and snuck into the room.

It was just the same as I'd left it.

All the lights were off, so I kept them that way because I knew I couldn't risk waking anyone. Not that there seemed to be anyone in sight, however. I walked up to the wall I'd stood by and ran my hand down the smooth paint.

It was almost as if I could still see his face.

But it was my mind playing tricks on me, I knew. Three months of my mind playing tricks, making me believe the a Doctor was calling for me when he wasn't, making me believe he missed me, making me believe he cried for me in his lonely, sad old TARDIS every single day.

But he never did.

Oh, I knew mind games.

Taking a deep breath, I felt around the wall desperately. I suddenly realised it wasn't like I knew what I was looking for. What I was looking for might not even exist.

But it might.

And that's when my hand touched it.

A big button.

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