3: Electrifying

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I pushed my way through the streets as fast as I could, murmuring 'excuse me' to every person.

And then I came face to face with what I'd wanted to see for months.

A big, blue box.

Without thinking, I pulled open the door. The Doctor was in, I knew, because his coat was hanging up. I couldn't see him. Then I heard footsteps, slow, and the Doctor's face emerged, looking extremely confused.

My Doctor.

'Rose?' He said, looking me up and down. 'How the hell...?'

I tried my hardest to resist the urge to run up to him and kiss him right there and then. Instead I composed myself and placed my hands on his shoulders, remembering what I came here for.

Not for the Doctor. For the planet.

'Listen, no time to explain. I heard about the Dalek invasion from Dad's work and I needed to come and help. And I'm here, and I'm not sure how, but I'm here and I'm going to help no matter what you say. And I'm not going back. This is what I wanted for months and now I'm here, I am not having you send me back.'

Suddenly the astonished Doctor pressed his lips to mine and my whole body vibrated. His kiss was electrifying. My mind went back to when Cassandra was in my body, back on New Earth...I can vaguely remember a kiss that Cassandra forced upon the Doctor, but this was different. It was the first time I had kissed the Doctor.

Memories of my travels came flooding back, and all the time the kiss lasted I savoured every one of those moments, knowing it may be the last time I ever experienced them.

'Oh my God, Doctor, I missed you so much,' I whispered. Just for that moment I didn't even care about the stupid Dalek invasion or whatever was going on outside the TARDIS. I wanted to stay in that world with the Doctor, our own world, forever.

But I knew it wasn't right, so I pulled away and I brushed my tears from my face. It had felt like I had the time vortex in me again, all those memories flooding through my head.

I noticed the Doctor had been crying too. I was longing to hear those words he never got to say to me at Bad Wolf Bay, but I couldn't stand and let thousands die at the hands of the Daleks. I needed to get out there and do something.

'Rose, I love you,' he murmured.

My heart leapt and I felt like crying. I swallowed back the tears. 'I love you too. But come on, let's get out there and stop them. They're murdering thousands and we're stood here, kissing!' I say, giggling.

The Doctor curled his hand around mine and my mind went back to the first time I met him.

'Hello Rose Tyler, my name's the Doctor. Run!'

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