Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: The Envelope

"Why are we breaking into Janet's locker again?" Chrissie was on 'Lookout Duty' as I stuck a bobby pin in the lock. I had already tried Asher's birthday: turns out Janet wasn't stupid enough to use the same password twice.

"If you want to avenge Levi's death, this is the way to go," I hissed. It was the middle of the school day, the one period in which both Chrissie and I were free. Unfortunately, half the sophomores also had a free lesson; so it was a constant state of me trying to pry the lock open, then Chrissie seeing someone and me leaning casually against the locker, pretending to laugh at something Chrissie said.

"The tabloids say they already caught the murderer," Chrissie argued.

"Trust me, Lewis is as much a victim as Levi was," I told her. I heard a click as I successfully unlocked the locker. I almost yelled with delight but stopped myself before we drew attention to ourselves. I peeked inside the locker and was disappointed to find a stack full of textbooks, a couple of lipstick tubes and a compact powder. If she kept incriminating evidence in her locker it wouldn't be in front, I chided myself. I took the textbooks out and placed them in Chrissie's hands.

"Heavy," she rasped, her hands sinking down.

I ignored her and stuck my head further into the locker. A pair of eyes stared back at me. Shock caused me to bump my head on the top of the locker. Who keeps a mirror at the back of their locker?

"What happened?" Chrissie tried to get a better look.

"The vain princess is going to cause me to get a serious head injury." I rubbed my sore scalp. What a waste of time; we found nothing.

"What's that?" Chrissie asked, pointing to an envelope stuck to the corner of the mirror.

I pulled the white envelope off the mirror and proceeded to look inside it. Luckily, the flap wasn't sealed. The envelope was packed with lots of tiny pieces of paper, each folded in half and half again.

"I think we have to go," Chrissie observed, as a bunch of seniors began walking our way. They walked in packs, like wolves, while leaning onto one another as if they were about to fall over.

I stuffed the envelope in my backpack, grabbed Chrissie's arm and began pulling her down the hallway.

"I have to get to class," Chrissie said, shaking free from my grasp.

I nodded my head, knowing I should get to class as well. But school seemed so insignificant right now, considering what had just happened with Levi and his father. Plus, I was itching to see the contents of the envelope.

I sunk down into one of the fat-sacks at the library. I had chosen the first novel I laid eyes on, and it just so happened to be Twilight; reminding me of how I had compared Levi to Jacob Black. I stuffed the envelope inside the book so it looked like I was occupying myself with a novel.

I pulled out one of the folded pieces of paper. 'Hey, my luv. Meet me at Rogue 24 at 6. -A.'

I had risked my school career for a bunch of love letters?

'Dying to see your smile again. -A'

'My life is forever tied to yours. -A'

'Promise never to love anyone but me? -A'

The envelope was full of sweet little nothings. Oh well, better luck next time. I was about to chuck the notes in the nearest trash can and not waste any more of my time, when 'NYC' caught my attention. This was not news; I knew Asher wanted to go to New York. What surprised me was that Janet knew about his plans for the future.

'Can't wait until we're in NYC, Maid Marian.'

Maid Marian. I repeated the name to myself over and over again. I knew she was the lover of Robin Hood. So, if Asher was Robin Hood, which was who he wanted to be, then Janet was Maid Marian. The question was did Janet know about Asher's Robin Hood plans? She was going to go to New York with Asher, that much was clear. I had no clue how any of this linked to Levi and the Mayor, or to Newton. Did it link at all, or was I way off? 

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