Agnarr's coronation

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The horses stopped at the palace– wait, the palace? What are we doing here–? I followed Freja and Birger into a blue room that had rows of benches.

"Iduna!" Birger called, pointing to the spot between him and Freja. I sat beside Freja and Birger, not knowing what happened. A man with short brown hair snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Presenting King Agnarr!" A boy with blond hair and ivy green eyes came running down the ballroom. His purple cape trailing behind him as he walked to the front of the audience, picking up a golden scepter with a light blue Diamond on it and some round object that I didn't recognize.

The sound of music filled my ears, a tuba, violin and many other instrument. Everyone grabbed a dance partner well I stood there, alone with nobody to dance with.

A pair of ivy green eyes met mine, he walked in my direction. I gasped once I realized who it was. The boy from the Forest?! The one I saved? He's a Prince?! Would he want to talk to me once he found out that I was with the people who murdered his Father? Would he want anything to do with me? Anxiety filled my head.

"Would you care to dance?" he asked, holding his hand out to me.

My cheeked turned rosy pink. Only a complete idiot wouldn't accept a dance with a King. "Of course." I said with a smile. I took the King Agnarr's hand as he led me to the dance floor where we met all of the other dancers. They eyed us with eyes so big that you could read the shock reaction off their face at first glance, they started to whisper to another, and I could only catch a little bit of what they were talking about.

"Is the King in love?" was the only thing I could catch as I was dancing very much like a chicken, distracted by the conversation. I look into his eyes that glowed with pleasure– no, we will never work out I'm Northuldra and he is Arendellian, my people killed their King. There is no way that he is in love with me. We just met long not that long ago! This people would hate me if they found out who I really was.

A murderer. 

I allow my feet to sync with his moments after I was dancing like a chicken. His arms were wrapped softly around my waist as we slow danced. The world suddenly slowed down like it was only me and him.

A/N: Hey guys, I forgot to tell you at the beginning of the story that this is a rewrite of my previous "Iduna and Agnarr" story if you're wondering about the comments. This is my first Iduna and Agnarr story so enjoy!


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