Broken like glass

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Iduna's POV

Do you know those days where you remember you're away from the people you love? That's how I feel today. I just want to tell everyone that I'm okay and well taken care of, that the Arendellians aren't as bad as we think they are made out to be. I want to see my friends one last time, tell them all about my life as a disguised Arendellian, and give them one final hug goodbye.

Would they be proud of me if they find out that I've sided with our enemies? That I'm in love with someone I shouldn't be in love with? Someone that I'm suppose to hate but turned out to be my only friend in this lonely kingdom? I sure as wind hope they are.

I don't want to let my people down.

They probably hate me, I tell myself as tears streamed down my face. I stared at the floor and counted how many patterns I see, 1 - 11, there is 11 patterns on the floor. Purple tiles with a fancy design and white tiles. They never had floors like this in the Enchanted Forest so it was quite fascinating to look at. The only floors we had in the forest was wooden flooring, we never had tile flooring like they do.

No brick walls, no fancy statues, no desserts, water fountains, boats- I could go on about how different life was being an Arendellian to living in the Enchanted Forest, but that will never change how much I miss my people, how much I wanna see them but I can't- I just- can't.

More tears streamed down my face, making me feel like a human waterfall.

I wasn't ready to see people right now so I stayed, laying on the floor, alone. I just want to be alone. People wouldn't understand what it was like to be me, and if they did, then they'd hate me.

A shadow knelt next to me, he looked around my age but didn't see his face because my eyes were glued to the floor. His arms wrapped around me and I moved my face to his chest and sobbed my heart out. He smelled like flowers, probably out in the garden. He wore a blue shirt with what looked like a tree on it, golden buttons, and a strange symbol on his right side.

Wait, this was-

This is King Agnarr, why is he dressed up so fancy? Is he going somewhere? My friend- only friend, crush, the person I'm in love with- no, he only sees me as a servant and friend, nothing more.

He was just here because he was being a good friend.

"Iduna, hey, look at me. What's wrong?" he asked softly, almost as if I were glass that was about to shatter. His hand brushed up against my cheek, making me feel safe in his arms and safe to his touch. Butterflies filled my stomach and my face flushed a deep red. Thank Agnarr I was hidden behind his shirt so he wouldn't see my face, that would be so embarrassing on so many levels.

If he didn't feel the same way, then that would be even more embarrassing because I'm basically making a fool of myself of someone who might see me as just a friend.

What is wrong with me?!!

I sobbed uncontrollably and Agnarr was crying to calm me down by telling me to listen to his heart beat. I didn't notice how close I was to him until I heard his heart beating like a pounding drum, why is his heart beating so fast?

Agnarr's POV

I just came back from reading in the garden. The hallways of the castle was more empty than usual and no desperate girls were in sight. I sighed with relief. I don't need no sick puppy dogs following me around. Leave me at peace girls because I'm not interested.

My thoughts were interrupted when I seen a girl crying in the middle of the hallway. I peeked to get a better look, my heart dropped when I seen that it was Iduna.

Her eyes were swollen from how much, I assume, she was crying. Her brown hair was just barely touching her knees. Her face was stained with tears trailing down them, almost like a waterfall.

She is still beautiful and I will not change my mind.

My arms wrapped around her waist and her face falls to my chest. I smile arises to my lips but I soon shake it off my face and remind myself that I am here to comfort Iduna, not to get comfortable hugging her!

My hand brushes against her cheek to wipe the tears from it, but I did so gently, like a human stroking a puppy dog and yes, I know. I'm bad at this. I felt the need to protect her from the rude people in this world, the unaccepting. If anyone did then I will put them in their places, that's not how people should be treated. People should be treated with the love, respect, and kindness they deserved.

Iduna's sobs only got louder and that's when I told her to listen to my heart beat, I didn't want to tell her the reason why my heart was beating out of my chest.

Iduna, the reason my heart is beating like this is because of you. I love you Iduna, I don't know if you feel the same way and I completely understand if you don't; I won't be mad at you. You will still be my friend even if you don't like me - if that's how you would like us to remain. I'm not gonna stop being friends with you because you don't feel the same way - sure, I hope you feel the same way but I can't force you and it isn't your fault if you don't.

I heard Iduna mumble something before her breathing slowed down, she has fallen asleep. I picked her up and carried her to a chamber, my eyes stayed glued to her as she slept and I awaited for her to awake.

My eyes stared at her cheek because of how badly I wanted to kiss her, I have to remember that I will make a fool of myself if I kiss her on the cheek and she doesn't feel the same so I will just wait until the day where I find out how Iduna feels about me.

Iduna's POV

The ground felt more soft than usual, almost like a cushion or maybe a bed? I definitely need to find out where I am. My eyes fluttered open to look at my surrounding. I was in a chamber and my friend was waiting for me?

Oh my Agnarr, I hope he didn't hear what I said before I fell asleep. I doubt he did, but what if he did?

Nice going Iduna! Ruin your only friendship by telling a boy you love him!

My eyes meet his green ones.

"How long was I asleep for? What are you doing here?! Aren't you suppose to be doing King Duty stuff?"

"A few minutes. I just came back from the garden when I seen you crying."

"What were you doing in the garden?" my voice filled with curiosity.


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