A picnic

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Agnarr's POV

I had feelings for Iduna for a while now but I never bothered to ask her out or to be my girlfriend because I was nervous that she would reject me and that I was being friend zoning me this whole time. Mattias always said that you never know until you try, but is it worth the risk?

Oh Arendelle, what should I do?

I'm so nervous!

My hands are sweating. They feel like a maid cleaning the flooring. Is it worth a shot? Is it worth losing my friend over? How am I suppose to choose?!!

What would Mattias say to me in a time like this? I know one thing he would say would be you never know unless you give it a shot.

Now I really need to think about what he would say... umm... what would Mattias say...? What would Mattias say? What would-

"You have many chances to take risks, some may cost you and others, you're more fortunate. You never know the outcome unless you try."

My thoughts were disturbed when the sight of two maids whispering to each other caught my attention. They were giggled well sneaking glances at me.

What a bunch of flirts! So desperate for attention, they walked up to me with the biggest grins on their faces.

"Your eyes are so beautiful your majesty. I could stare into them all day." A flirtatious giggle escaped the maiden's mouth.

"You're so beautiful, just like your Mother..." I rolled my eyes inside my head.

They're only flirting with me because I'm a Prince and they want a spot as Queen and I don't wanna just marry a beautiful girl; I wanna marry a girl who loves me and not because of my status, but because of my personality. I don't care how she looks, she doesn't have to be beautiful to be Queen - it would just be a bonus feature if she WAS, in fact, beautiful, but she doesn't have to be. To me, she will always be the prettiest girl on earth and if anyone thinks otherwise then there blind because it's what on the inside that count, not the outside.

I waved my hand in dismissal and the girls fanned away from me.

Finally! Some peace and quiet and personal space.

I spotted a familiar face, her brown hair was tied into a neat bun, her blue eyes met mine and her face lit up like a candle.

"Agnarr! What are you doing here?" she said rather loudly than I anticipated; her voice echoing down the hallway.

I smile at my friend.

I tried to open my mouth to say something but nothing came out which only made Iduna smile and then it got hot in here. My back was burning and my face probably looked like a tomato.

"Will you go out with me?" I blurted out.

I don't know where that came from. It just came out of my mouth as if it were natural. Oh no! Now Iduna's going to hate me because she doesn't feel the same about me.

Nice going Agnarr!

"Stupid, stupid." I smack myself in the head and feel like such an idiot.

Iduna only smiled at me.

"Yes!" she said with rather much excitement.

Glares where shot into Iduna's direction.

It's not her fault that I like her and don't have any feelings for any of my other maids. I spend the most time with her and know her the best so it's only fair that she should be the one I take out on a date.

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