In The Beginning

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The Domo neared the earth following Phasto's guidance beacon; there were several blue blips on the map that indicated the presence of deviants. Meda stood, newly suited up, with the others that comprised the fighter portion of the team. Thena with her ability to create weapons on demand, Gilgamesh with his fortified skeleton providing strength, Kingo with his energy blasts, Makkari with her speed, Ikaris with his energy beams and flight, and Meda's energy shields rounding out the team.

Meda was shaking with nervous energy as she watched the ground rush past underneath the Domo. A hand on her shoulder caused her to turn. Gilgamesh stood there, Thena by his side, and gave Meda's shoulder a comforting squeeze. The Domo began to slow indicating that go time was approaching. Meda nodded at the pair beside her and took her place at the door. There was a moment of calm before the group took off. Ikaris leading the charge flying ahead as Meda threw out her hand creating a series of golden energy shields that the team used like steps racing towards the ground.

The next few minutes of Meda's life were chaos. Makkari was a flash of color as she ran, saving people from being crushed and slamming into deviants. Kingo and Gilgamesh were both going after a deviant of their own, and Thena was being circled by a pair. Just as one of the monsters jumped at Thena from behind, Meda raised her hand causing a barrier to appear between the two. The deviant slammed head first into the wall, collapsing into a pile on the ground. Thena raised her spear in Meda's direction in acknowledgement. For the rest of the battle Meda moved between protecting the humans from the destruction around them, and helping her teammates with the fight.

When the dust finally began to settle, the remaining members of the team gently drifted down to the ground. We stood together facing the humans. They were scared, spears pointing towards us, feet slowly shuffling in our direction, until their eyes glowed with a soft gold light and their weapons dropped to the earth. Looking to my left I saw the same gold fading from Druig's eyes, I was both amazed and a little scared of his powers. In the wrong hands mind control could be extremely dangerous.

One of the adults nudged a small boy towards where Sersi had stepped out to greet the people. In her hands she held a sharpened rock that turned to gold via her touch. The child accepted our offering and we were accepted into the village as saviours.


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Meda woke after a restless night, dreams of the millennia past had been happening more frequently lately, as they always did when she was about to leave a place. Meda had spent her last 8 years on the outskirts of the small Scottish town of Dornie. It was secluded from the word and as an outsider, the villagers often left her alone, but Meda tried not to spend too much time in any given place. She found that she got too restless and frustrated with humanity if she lingered too long. It was easier in the rural areas of the world, Meda had stayed in Dornie longer than any other place in the past hundred years. It was cities that Meda really tried to avoid. She found that humans when condensed into a small area often brought out the worst in each other. Lying, cheating, stealing, killing; all the horrors that came with the advancement of humanity.

Meda would miss the small cottage that she had called home for the past seven years but with the return of the population from the snap, humans were determined to do all the things that they had been putting off, including travelling. Dornie was becoming a more popular tourist destination, so with the influx of people came Meda's decision to move on. The plan was to visit Gil and Thena in Australia for a while before finding another village to settle down in. Gil and Thena were the only two Eternals that Meda made a point of seeing regularly.

Meda spent the rest of the week sorting through her belongings determining what she would be taking with her and what she would be leaving behind. Once she had everything she would be bringing with her condensed into one bag, she headed off to the airport without looking back.

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