Chapter Eight: When it's Cold Outside

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Night could not come soon enough to the expansive, vibrant world of the north pole. And though the eternal winter meant it would come sooner this did virtually nothing to calm (Y/N)'s restless nerves.

The hours passed as if drenched in molasses, and as he watched the beauteous lights shining across the pole's dome slowly begin to change color, beginning to shine a wonderful blue, pink and purple watercolored hue; his stomach became filled with a bubbling, flopping sensation.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, (Y/N) Elsker Calvin was overflowing with nervousness.

Not too far away in the next room he could hear his dad sleeping soundly, his snoring was proof enough of that. (Y/N) could only pray that his sudden disappearance wouldn't cause his luck to turn and his father to wake and look for him. He seriously doubted it, as Scott wasn't the lightest sleeper, but it was always a possibility.

He grabbed his dark overcoat, emerald green scarf and gloves and prepared to leave into the cold north pole evening.

With a glance to the town of elves sleeping peacefully below and a breath to listen for a single sound he carefully took his first steps out of his room. The rest of the building was quiet, silence as far as could be heard aside from soft snores. With adrenaline pumping in his veins, the sudden sound of blood rushing in his ears he rushed from the second floor, bounded down the steps, and out the door, all in one silent swift motion.

Heart still beating in his ears,
(Y/N) rushed across the snowy path, through the empty workshop and down the stairs, out to the courtyard below.

There he was met with the sight of the head elf in question, looking rather out of place all by his lonesome and finding himself busy with his hands. If asked, truthfully (Y/N) wouldn't be able to lie, Bernard was absolutely charming in all aspects of the word. His silver specked cheeks and ears were flushed red from the crisp, biting weather and he looked to be swimming in his oversized winter coat.

He cleared his throat softly, startling the elf before him.

"O-oh! (Y/N)!" His voice cracked, and he softly coughed. "I'm glad to see you. I was almost worried you wouldn't come."

"Of course, to be honest I was looking forward to it." (Y/N) scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

Bernard smiled sheepishly at the thought that (Y/N) had wanted to see him.

"(Y/N), I asked you out here because I wanted to give you something. I've just noticed... I mean you've been working so hard, and then you painted that wonderful piece for me and... I want you to have this."

From his gently cupped hands Bernard revealed a brooch similar to the one that decorated his hat. Although this one had emblazoned on it a symbol of a pine sprig. Circling the pin was a phrase in Latin, it read: "Quod vulnus sanat amoris."

Carefully (Y/N) took the pin in his own hands, turning its silver surface over in his hands.

"Bernard!  Oh my god, it's absolutely beautiful. ...I don't know what to say." He said breathlessly.

Bernard smiled; he could feel himself swell with pride. He stepped closer to (Y/N), holding his hand under (Y/N)'s cupped ones, the other pointing to the delicate details on the brooch.

In a voice soft as the snow falling around them, he said, "the branch is the crest of my family's clan. Not just that, but it also stands for virtue and long life, immortality even. Y-you see, before all this, these traditions and Santa..."Bernard gestures to the pole around them as he said this, "The elves lived in various areas of Europe. My father came from Norway." He sighed.
"My mom she was born here, at the pole. Although I guess it wasn't the pole as we know it now. Not that it matters much but there was only a small village of us at the time, and if it weren't for our perseverance and wits none of us would be here now. We survived eternal winter, built the pole from the ground up. I wanted to share that because I see the same qualities in you. And I apologize for everything I said when you first came here, I see now that you are so much more than the sum of your parts, you're one of us."

At his words (Y/N)'s eyes began to week with tears. For all of his hard work he'd never been so well accepted by anyone, or felt more at home. The pole was a wonderful place to him, and the elves helped to make it special. To be considered one of them made his heart swell with a happiness he hadn't felt before. He hardly knew what to say.

Instead of trying to sum that insurmountable feeling into words, he did the first thing that came to mind: placing a gentle kiss on the head elf's cheek.

"Ah- I um... Have a good night, Bernard." With this (Y/N) turned of his heel and rushed back to his room.

Bernard, left flushed and slightly dazed, held a hand to his fiery face. Staring after (Y/N) he mumbled, "Goodnight... love."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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