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How long had this been his sovereign duty? Surely he could at least remember that. But his memory was so fuzzy he couldn't even recall how he'd been presented the position of 'Head Elf'. Thousands of past Christmases had been all but a blur. Just how old was he? Somewhere near nine-thousand nine-hundred, of that he was certain. Out of every elf alive, he was the oldest. It used to be a novelty, but it wore off when he realized he'd been treated differently. No, being the oldest, at face value, wasn't that caused other elves to push him away, it was his seemingly jaded view. He'd lived through so many years, and he had yet to be given that mark, the single most important event in an elf's life. The mark was meant to lead them to their other half, the person who they'd spend eternity with. Judy had found hers, as many others at the pole had. He began to think that there was no one in this world meant to share existence with him, and it made him bitter, surely there was someone out there that wanted him! In result he began to focus a little too much on work, he felt so strongly about his responsibilities that he was a stranger to his own race. Elves were meant to live carefree and happy existences, long in span to ensure a life well lived, but a lonely life is a hard one. Most would love being an elf, but not him, not Bernard Evergreen.

Northern Dreams (Bernard The Head Elf x FTM!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن