Chapter Two: Heading Out

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"Are you sure you have everything? You didn't forget something in your room, or the bathroom maybe-"

"Mom. It's okay, I triple checked the house. Everything I need has been packed and is ready for when Dad gets here." (Y/N) chuckled. He was heaving a large, and obviously very heavy duffel bag down the stairs. He nearly rammed it into Charlie as he passed by.

"Dude, you could've just asked for help, we both know you have noodle arms." Charlie said, taking the bag out of (Y/N)'s arms.

"They're not noodles, they're more like pancakes. They look big, but are actually really weak. Which is basically just nice talk for saying, 'I'm fat.' But you know, gotta keep my self confidence up." He laughed

Charlie couldn't help but laugh, it was such an odd comparison. Especially to make about arms. He was certain his brother was insane, at least a little bit anyway.

"Whatever you say, man." Throwing the duffel bag over his arm, he took it down the stairs dropping it off at the front door.

Lucy rushed over to (Y/N), practically jumping into his arms. He wheezed a little at her sudden weight in his arms, Lucy didn't seem to notice and wrapped him up in a hug.

"You're not gonna leave forever, are you?" She looked back at him and pouted.

"Of course not, Luce. I'm spending time with my Dad to learn how he works, that's all. I'll be back before you know it." (Y/N) smiled back at her sincerely. Lucy took this opportunity to steal the glasses off his face. She then stuck them on her nose, and they almost immediately fell off because of how big they were. This made (Y/N) squint and pout in return.

"You know you're way too old to get away with stealing those, right?"

"Nuh-uh. I'm still cute, so you have to let me!" She bounced in his arms making his glasses fall off her face and clatter to the floor. He sighed at this, but still smiled.

"Oops. Sorry, (Y/N)." She said shyly.

"It's alright." He put her down and picked up the glasses, holding them up to the light, then placing them back on his face.

(Y/N) walked into the kitchen, where he found Neil struggling to close a Ziploc bag. He'd just succeeded when he heard (Y/N) enter the room.

"Ah, there you are. Here, I put all your prescriptions in here so you wouldn't lose them." He said, handing (Y/N) the baggie.

"Thanks, Neil." He said, taking the bag.

"You're welcome, sport."

(Y/N) struggled not to cringe when he heard that. He had only let two people in existence call him 'sport', and Neil was not and never would be one of those people. The word just sounded odd coming from him, and he didn't like it.

"Please don't call me that, Neil. I'm not Six anymore."

Just then there was a knock on the door, and there was only one person it could be. (Y/N) made a mad dash past the living room and straight to the front door. He opened it to find his Dad, the one and only Santa Claus, or as people down here knew him, Scott Calvin.

"Dad!" (Y/N) excitedly reached out to hug his Dad.

"Hey there, sport. Are you ready to get going?" Scott asked as he pat his son's back.


"He's been packed since Tuesday. Excited would be an understatement." Laura stated.

"Well, I'm glad someone wants to see me." Scott laughed.

"Why don't I get to call him 'sport.'" Neil gaped in the background, Charlie pat his arm.

"Anyway, we should get going, Comet gets kinda antsy. So let's get you're stuff bud."

(Y/N) looked around. He had a lot to carry on only one reindeer.

"Uh... Question, how are we gonna take all of it?"

Scott pulled out the magic sack from his hoodie pocket.

"I bet you think I wasn't prepared. Just because I'm your Dad doesn't mean I can't do some things right." He opened up the sack and scoot the duffel bag inside, soon enough it looked as though there had never been anything in the sack.

"And that's how to pack for a road trip." He laughed.

"Wow. I will never get used to that." (Y/N) marveled.

"Let's get going bud." Scott ushered his son out the door, and with a short conversation with an annoyed Comet they were homeward bound. (Y/N) couldn't wait to return to The Pole.

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