Chapter Three: Settling In

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"Well, how does it feel to be home, bud?"

(Y/N) sat on his bed in his new room at The Pole. His Dad smiled at the look of awe on his face.

"Weird. A good weird. I didn't think I'd ever come back, if I'm being honest. But now that I'm here I definitely won't want to leave any time soon."

Santa smiled and leaned his head against the door frame.

"I'm very glad to hear that. Well, I've got some stuff to get done, but whenever you're finished unpacking you should come down to the workshop, check out the projects we've been working on. I think you're really gonna like 'em." And with that he rushed to work.

(Y/N) sat there, amazed by his new room. It was absolutely beautiful. The door was gold framing with bubbles of stained glass, and the walls were a soft velvety red color with a emerald green trim, and at the center of the ceiling was a glass dome, through which (Y/N) could see the ice surrounding them. He loved everything about The Pole, and this just topped it all off. Even after all this time he couldn't believe that he was getting to live here. And for as long as he wanted! He just couldn't fathom it.

For as long as he could remember (Y/N) had been infatuated with the idea of Christmas, and the mystery surrounding The North Pole and Santa Claus. Imagine this kid's surprise when he finds that his Dad is the legendary figure that he'd been so obsessed with. It wasn't really a shock, (Y/N) always knew his Dad was amazing, but the disbelief of it all was still there, mostly because he felt that he didn't deserve to be Santa's son.

(Y/N) was pulled from his thoughts when a portly elf with round glasses stepped in and cleared his throat. He had brown hair and was dressed in a cap, blue button up shirt and large jacket.

"Excuse me, my name is Curtis. Your father sent me up here to check up on you. He told me to ask you if you'd like a rundown of the workshop?" The small elf bounced on his heels, hands behind his back. His stance looked somewhat expectant.

"Of course, uh... My name is (Y/N)." (Y/N) awkwardly stuck out his hand, which the Curtis took and shook heartily.

"It's nice to meet you, (Y/N). You're father has said some very good things about you, I'm looking forward to working with you in the workshop." Curtis smiled and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he almost looked proud.

To say (Y/N) was embarrassed with his Dad talking about him to the elves would be an understatement, he was mortified. Sure, he knew he was talked of, but to be complemented consistently, and to people he didn't know. That just made him anxious, how much had they heard?"

"Same here." (Y/N) replied shakily. He was impressed with this elf's coolness in conversation, as far as he could tell he was very articulate.

"Alright then, lets get going then, I've got a lot to show you." Curtis beckoned (Y/N) towards the door.

Curtis led (Y/N) down many flights of stairs, towards the center of action. Elves scurried back and forth, making toys and collecting supplies, all in Christmas preparations. And though they all seemed to be in quite the rush each one was diligent and precise in their work. Not a doll's hair was out of place, not a single screw unfastened, no paint job unworthy of praise. The room itself was also a marvel. It was circular, and the center opened to the bottom floor. The walls were a grey hue, but it was in no way dull. Gold embellishments could be seen almost everywhere, individual sheets of wrapping paper hung from the wall, and a miniature 'North Pole Express' circled the room, transporting Elves and items. Down the hall a massive candy cane marked the frame entrance, as well as a decorative plastic polar bear.

"Well, here we are. This is were the magic happens." Curtis nodded proudly toward the shop floor, where Elves were hard at work on many projects. As he led (Y/N) around he'd glance at progress, and correct a few things here and there.

Truly, (Y/N) was in awe. He'd never seen so many people working together so efficiently before, and they all seemed to be happy with their various responsibilities. A little while longer into the tour Curtis turned to (Y/N).

"So, what have you thought of the shop so far?" He asked, he was still walking at a fast pace, most likely in a rush to get this over to get back to his normal duties.

"It's just as amazing as the last time I was here. Although, I do have a question for you. What will I be responsible for while I'm here, specifically?" The more (Y/N) saw the more anxious he became to start working. He wanted to help as soon as possible.

"Well, actually you'd have to ask your father. See, even though I'm the only one who follows the rules most properly I'm not the most important elf around, that would be Bernard. So, if your father doesn't have the time to give you a good answer, I'd look for Bernard."

(Y/N) nodded in understanding, of course his father would be a little busy this time of year, it was extremely close to the Christmas season.

"Well, thanks for showing me around anyway. I'm looking forward to helping out in any way I can."

"That's great to hear. I'll let you know if anything comes up. For now though I think you should focus on observing, you can learn a lot that way. I have to get back to work now, but I'll see you around (Y/N)." And with that Curtis bid (Y/N) goodbye and headed off to Santa's office.

Northern Dreams (Bernard The Head Elf x FTM!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant