Chapter Five: Sudden Symptom Change

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As the days went on (Y/N) became increasingly enamored with his work, and each time Bernard came by at the end of the day he was incredibly impressed. Bernard had never seen such intricately painted and expertly polished nesting dolls. If asked he would admit that he never expected such work from a human boy, and without formal carpentry classes to boot. The week wore on, and Bernard brought word back to Santa on his son's progress.

"He's been doing amazingly well, to be honest I never would have believed it unless I'd seen it. Your son has an extraordinary talent." Bernard began talking using his hands, he was almost frantic. He'd never been so enthralled about anything in his long life. Santa could see this and smiled.

"It seems that I may have been right all along. Would you agree?"

"Yes, sir! In all seriousness he's as good an elf, he could replace Curtis."

At this comment Santa laughed. He knew that (Y/N) had a very special gift, and was looking forward to teaching him all he should know about being Santa Claus. He knew it was his son's dream.

"I'm glad you think so. I guess this means you're impressed, I was hoping he'd be able to prove himself, and it seems he's done just that. How far do you think he is from being able to move up here?"

Bernard gave it a long thought, in truth he didn't want (Y/N) to leave the workshop so soon, he was one of the best workers there was.

"I think it'd be best that he master one skill at a time, if he leaves eh workshop too quickly he might not retain what he's learned. Besides, don't you think he should spend more time with the elves? Get to know them better?"

"You're probably right. Anyway, what's the progress report for today?"


Bernard couldn't help but steal glances across the workshop, he shouldn't, and he knew that, but there was something pulling him to watch the concentration on (Y/N)'s face as he painted the smallest of details. Every once in a while his glasses would slip down his nose, which he then scrunched up in an attempt to keep them from falling. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he'd quickly shove his pinkie to the bridge of his glasses, as it was the only finger not holding the paint brush, and continue working. Bernard found that he infinitely appreciated the way his hands moved while he painted.

What was he thinking! Had his mind finally gone haywire? He was obviously an idiot. There was no other word for it, not in his mind anyway. But there was really no denying that (Y/N) was pleasant looking, and if he wasn't the son of Santa maybe he wouldn't have felt so guilty for staring.

He wouldn't have, really. In fact, in that moment he didn't feel like there was anything wrong with it at all. Until he felt a searing pain stab the inside of his wrist. No, NO. There was no way, not now.

In a sudden panic Bernard ran off, he headed straight for the workshop doors, avoiding anyone who came his way. If what he thought was happening did happen, he certainly did not want anyone seeing him almost faint.


When Bernard reached his house he quickly slammed the door shut. He was breathing heavily, and his pulse was all over the place. Bernard leaned his whole weight against the door before he haphazardly yanked up his sleeve, and sure enough there it was in green cursive.

(Y/N) Calvin 

No, no no no. Out of every possibility this was the worst. He couldn't, he shouldn't, but it was clear as day on his wrist. How was he going to explain this to his boss, (Y/N)'s father! Then there came another thought. What if (Y/N) didn't want him? The thought made him sick to his stomach, but it was a very real possibility. Dear Lord, why couldn't his soulmate have been normal?


Bernard went through the rest of the day as normally as possible, until Curtis came up and asked about his sudden sprint from the shop.

"What was that? I haven't seen you run so fast since... ever actually."

Bernard wanted to explain, but his embarrassment made him become quickly exasperated, so he grabbed Curtis by the collar and dragged him to the door of the workshop.

"It happened, Curtis. And it wasn't good. In fact, I'm in deep trouble."

Curtis' eyes widened suddenly, and he peered over his glasses in disbelief.

"You're telling me that it actually appeared! It's on your wrist?! Who is it? What's the matter, why are you in trouble?"

Before Curtis could ask anymore questions Bernard yanked up his sleeve and shoved it into his face.

"This is a really big problem Curtis. Don't try and tell me it's not. It could legitimately, put everything in jeopardy."

Curtis could see that Bernard was on the verge of panicking, he was the only elf who hadn't gotten his mark, and now that he had Curtis could understand why he was worried. He didn't have anyone for a soulmate, he had the son of Santa Claus.

"Think of it this way, if the universe chose him for you then everything will work out in the end, won't it?"

The look in Bernard's eyes changed. Maybe he was right, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to worry, it was only natural.

"Say that you do turn out to be right, what do I do then? I've never been close to anyone like that."

"Bernard, I don't know what to tell you. But, I will do my best to help you, although right now I think both of us should get back inside before anyone gets the wiser."

"You're right, let's go." Bernard pulled his sleeve back down, cautiously looking around before walking back inside.

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