Chapter 3

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Y/n's Pov
I remember being in the car with my mother then it All went black. I woke up and I was in Water, I had a throbbing headache and everything was sore.

Despite everything in my body burning in pain I pushed myself up to force myself out of the cold water, it was dark and I had nothing on me. everything was in the car and I couldn't see a thing but I was cold. I'd freeze out here if I didn't get up.

One thing that kept crossing my mind was my mother, was she okay? I searched around for a while until the night was setting in. I decided to try find a road or something,

I walked through the cold night and found myself following a thin road. Who knows where it led I was just begging to be warm. Just even a second of warmth, that's all I need. It was winter so it was much colder now. Especially at night.

The only thing that kept me going was my family. I needed to get home to them, I was worried about my mother what If she was taken? What if she's dead?... what if she left me for dead..... no, she'd never. She loves me. Okay, I'm spiralling. Calm down y/n.

By the time I saw light it was just the sun rising. Although I was aching and tired I couldn't sleep. I had fallen from the bridge. I knew I had a head injury of some form. If I slept I might not wake up.

I kept walking until I finally saw the city! Finally. I walked into the city and found myself at Peters, it was closer than the compound. I knocked on May and Peters door and may opened it "Hi- Y/n!" She said ushering me inside. She sat me down on their sofa.

"You don't look so good sweetie, you need me to call someone?" She asked I noded.

"To-ony?" I asked she noded and called Tony putting him on speaker.

"Tony you can stop the search for Y/n," She said smiling softly at me.

"No! She's missing and Natasha is unconscious. How do think she'll react waking up for a second time to realise her daughter is gone to hydra?!" He protested.

"She's safe. She's with me but she's in bad shape. Send Bruce over." May explained I heard tony let out a sigh.

"Thank god she's alright. Am I on speaker?" He asked.


"Little Romanoff, I'm so glad your alive, you know that song that peter listens to on repeat? By Arianna Grande? Or whoever it is, just keep breathin little Romanoff!" May laughed at tony. And walked a little out of my hearing range into her room. But I heard her say 'get here tony. Seriously' she said after 5 minutes she came back.

"You want a sandwich and some orange juice?" She asked I noded and watched her make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of orange juice I gratefully took the food and ate it in a few minutes as May took the plate and cup away there was a knock at her door. May walked over and opened the door Bruce, Tony, Peter, Wanda And Bucky were there

"Hey guys, come in" May smiled and let them all in giving Peter a hug when he walked in. She closed the door after them.

"Okay y/n how are you feeling? Where are you hurt?" Bruce asked

"home" I muttered they all gave me a confused look.

"I think she wants to go back to the compound, do you?" Wanda asked.

"Mhm," I had a sore throat and every time I talked my head hurt more.

-At the compound-
When we got back to the compound wanda carried me to the med bay and Bruce examined me.

"So you've got a concussion, a few broken ribs, sprained wrist and your throat is a little damaged," Bruce said looking at my scans wanda came over to try heal me but I shook my head. 'No'

"Heal my mother," I said holding Wanda's hand she looked at me.

"You need more medical care y/n, we just had to sedate Natasha she's okay" Bruce explained I still shook my head no.

"Wanda already healed me the other day, she can't take all this" I explained wanda sighed knowing I was right.

"I'll be better soon," I said stroking wandas cheek she kissed me lightly.

"And I'll take care of you" She smiled softly, picking me up and she took me to my mother's room where Maria was sat asleep.

Wanda let me stand so I grabbed a blanket, covering Maria so she'd be warm. I closed her laptop and set it beside her on the desk. Maria stirred a little but stayed asleep. Then I kissed my mother's forehead and gave her a small hug while she slept.

"My room?" Wanda asked I noded and we walked to her room. Wanda handed me her hoodie and helped me change into it. I got into her bed and wanda got in after me, gently hugging me but being careful of my weakened body.

"I love you" I mumbled I felt wanda smile against my neck.

"I love you too, I'm glad you are safe," She said softly whispering and before I knew it we were both sound asleep.

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