Distraction is Published!

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It’s been three years in the making, but I’m proud to say that Nearly Almost Somebody is finally available to buy! Hurrah.

NAS started out in life as “Distraction” and it was the book that made me think – people actually like what I write. Back in 2012 I was lucky enough to get proper feedback from a proper editor at a proper publishing house, and I took the brave decision to take my books down from the writers sites, Authonomy and You Write On (which were doing very little for my writing other than sucking up most of my evenings in chat.) I was totes determined to knuckle down and edit the hell out of Forfeit, which had some major flaws – such as no one liking my main character Daisy. But then a friend said, Wattpad had introduced a Chick Lit genre section and were looking for books so I thought, bugger it and put Distraction on there.

One month later – with zero promotion – Distraction had over 17,000 reads, was in the Chick Lit top ten and everything spiralled from that point on. Caitlin, from Wattpad HQ contacted me asking if they could make Distraction a Featured Book. Um… okay. A month later I have 5,000 followers, Distraction has 500k reads and finally hits the #1 spot in the chick lit chart. Distraction won a ‘Most Read’ award that year – as in it was one of the most read books on Wattpad. WTF. It doesn’t feature a single werewolf, vampire or One Direction band member, but those crazy Wattpad readers LOVE my book. And it made me think, maybe some other people will to. :)

#Forfeit had to come first – as that story takes place before Distraction – but the second #Forfeit was published, I moved onto what I think is my best book.

I’ve worked with editors to improve the plot, characters and title – I think Nearly Almost Somebody is just perfect for the story – so Wattpad fans should expect a few changes from the book they new as Distraction. That said, the love story of Patrick and Libby is largely unchanged, it’s mainly that minx Zoe who gets a little more airtime.

So ta da… I give you Nearly Almost Somebody!

This link will take you to your Amazon store:


(you'll need to copy & paste it into your browser - or just search for Nearly Almost Somebody.)

- it's just £1.99 / $2.99 and the equivalent price in other countries. 

Happy Reading


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