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Persephone Pov


They both replied with a chorus of "yes mam" and I nod my head in approval.

This morning has been hectic, one because I woke up late and I was already in a bad mood because I had gotten cramps, which means my period is coming. Second me and Hades have to present today and we still need to do some finishing touches on our project.

Another thing is that the boys decided it would be a good day to argue when I told them to be quiet nicely a long time ago. I swear it feels like I'm their mother sometimes.

I get up from my spot and go into my bathroom. I take my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it, wet it and brush my teeth.

Once I'm done cleaning my teeth I gurgle some mouth wash and then spit it out. I check to see if my teeth are white which they are. I grab my backpack and go into the living room where I see the boys sitting far away from each other.

'Boys are we ready to go' I said in a mom like voice.

They both nodded their head and stood up and got their bags. I laughed internally because they look like little kids.

We made our way out the house and I locked the door. We started our walk to school and surprisingly the walk was quiet.

I looked at both boys and they haven't even said a word, they were more focusing on being quiet and staying out of trouble.

Today was my last class until next year since I had finished my finals early. Hades and I have to present 50% of our business project for our business class.

We put the finishing touches on it and honestly I'm ready to just get this over with and go back home, but of course I have to go to work, and then do Christmas shopping.

Another thing about our project is that we are still only telling 1/2 of the truth. We are still building our mafias, we just have to get into more knowledge and train a lot more.

I've seen a lot of movies about mafias and they train everyday so they can be prepared mentally, physically, and emotionally for the role of the "Don", or in my case Donna.

We arrived at this hell hole and we say goodbye to Darrius seeing as he doesn't have this class with us. We made it to our classroom just as the last bell had rung.

'Good afternoon class today we are finishing up presentations. I know we are missing some students, but that's just because they have already presented. Remember when you finish your presentation you can go.' The teacher said.

'Are you nervous about our project proposal' I whispered to Hades.

'No we got this' he whispered back to me.

I gave him a little peck on his cheek and he gave me a small smile while he put his hand on my thigh. He always does this because he can tell when I'm anxious about something.

'So up first is Hades and Persephone so if you all want to come up here and start it off for us' the teacher implied.

I look towards Hades and he squeezed my thigh one more time for reassurance before removing his hand and making his way towards the front, with me following behind him.

Keep calm and everything will be ok. Hades is right here with you.

'As all of you know our business is going to be in two parts. One with a medical business and the criminal law side business. The reason why we aren't running a company together is because 70% of business that are built on partnership fail. Leaving only 30% of business to continue to succeed.' I said.

'The medical business is going to be in Hades hands while the criminal law side business will be in my hands. At first we thought if we can combine both our businesses then we could make our business become very powerful, but over course we thought of it, and it would be better to keep our business separate. Though we are partners we still are going to do business with each other' I explained.

I look towards Hades and gave him a nod telling him he can start.

'Like Persephone said about still being partners, we are going to become allies. My medical business isn't just for a specific reasoning. My medical business is going to provide help to those who need it with such an easy price. Now a days a lot of medical stuff are very expensive and a lot of people don't have insurance so they have to pay out of pocket which makes them in debt, which leads to their life spiraling out of control.' Hades added.

'My business is going to incorporate help with people who've had trauma and if they need any medical attention as well. How does this still make us partners you may ask? Well some people who have been incarcerated went through a lot of mental trauma and I will be there to help them out or simply get the back on their feet. So in a way we are kind of co-mingling our business together but we still are separating our business. We just work together so things can run smoothly and our business rate will have a high chance of being successful.' Hades concluded.

'To add on to what Hades had said my business would be to help those who have been incarcerated. I want to at least change the justice system or at least help make the justice system better. Of course it's not going to happen over night, but with the amount of hard work I can see a change between the next 5-10 years. Everything is changing and I think it's time for our generation to change it for the better.' I stated proudly.

I had finished and we nodded at the teacher to let him know we were done. The class clapped for us as well as the teacher.

'Wonderful job taking two completely different business and figuring out to make it into one kind of. Well job' the teacher exclaimed.

More students had went up and presented their business. It was actually interesting listening to these business. Of course Hades and I talked about what our main business is going to be about.

The bell had rung which brought me out of my thoughts.


Me and Hades meet up with Darrius and walked home together.

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