Chapter Eight

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My morning had been... fucking hectic. After waking up in a cold sweat from another nightmare I realised it wasn't even my alarm making my phone vibrate the way it was. My phone was blowing up with messages, mentions and unanswered calls. As I went to open my social media to see what the fuck was going on another call from a number I recognised as the commissions came blaring through.

"Fuck," I cursed, running my hands through my hair as I sat up and swiped to accept and tried to put on the cheeriest voice possible "Good morning, Y/n Y/l/n from the Hawks hero agency what can I do for you?"

"Miss Y/l/n are you aware of the... unique... situation you and Hawks have found yourselves in?" a strained voice sounded

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what you mean as I have yet to check social media," I said as nicely as possible

"Then let me enlighten you," the voice seethed "At the charity gala last night it appeared as if you and Hawks were dating, which strictly goes against our protocol. If you can't either shut the rumors down or make it work positively for the agency we will transfer you. We already have several agencies lined up for a transfer, including the Endeavor agency. Now make it happen, you have one week."

With that the call disconnected and I swore under my breath once again. What a nice call to wake up to. I sat up further and scrolled through social media, seeing that #lovebirds, #protectivebfhawks, and #hawksmysterygf were all trending, along with photos of Hawks and I from last night. There were photos of the two of us landing together, photos of us arm in arm on the red carpet, photos of when Hawks pulled me aside at the beginning of the night to make sure I was okay, photos of us leaving together and the ones that must have truly sparked the rumors.

I vividly remember one of the guys from the Mt Agency and I had been talking. It started out as simple networking with Mt Lady herself with us, getting contact numbers and discussing potential team ups and collaborations for projects. After Mt Lady left the two of us he started laying on the heavy flirting and I was bored and had done my rounds with pretty much everyone else I leaned into it and thought I would have some fun. It helped that he was kinda cute with your typical tall, pretty boy aesthetic. Almost as soon as it had started it stopped as Hawks swooped up to us from where he had been on the other side of the room. He slid an arm around my waist and leaned into me, giving the poor guy a murderous glare. I had laughed it off at the time but we'd left soon after that and so I could see how that looked. That bird brain honestly confused me with what he wanted.

After scrolling through several articles and various social medias I called HR and had a lengthy conversation about what I should tell Hawks about the dating situation. We also discussed what we would cover in the press conference today regarding what went down the other day with how bruised up Hawks was. Work as soon as I woke up, what a start to the day.

After showering and getting dressed and mulling things over for a bit I went out to the main living area to see that damned bird brain sitting on my couch. He smirked at the sight of me and tried to act relaxed but the little chirp like sound and slight ruffle of feathers gave away how happy he was to see me. I laughed a little but rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the door frame. I raised my eyebrows and tried to ignore the fact that his eyes had followed the movement of my arms and lingered on my chest just a second to long.

"Oi, bird brain," I said, snapping my fingers to regain his attention "What in the hell are you doing on my couch at seven in the morning?"

"I thought we could get breakfast," He said with a slight flush and a shrug "And after we had that conversation about you locking the door you gave me the key and you weren't answering your messages so I thought..."

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