Chapter Ten

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Sighing I tugged my free hand through my (h/c) hair, detangling what I could of it. It was another earlier then decent morning after another sleepless night filled with nightmares of warped, twisted memories. On the table in front of me sat a cooling (hot drink of choice), the last little bits of steam floating up ibto the cool morning air. The sun was just peaking over the horizon, painting the sky fabulous reds, oranges, pinks and yellows. I breathed out the smoke that had moments before filled my lungs, cringing away as the wind changed direction and blew it straight back into my face, stinging my eyes. Between the nightmares, the stress from work and the confusing feelings for Hawks that I had yet to figure out, my days were getting more and more stressful. If I wasn't careful I was going to start breaking out.

I couldn't sleep, because of the stress. I couldn't eat, and half the time I barely remembered to stay hydrated and to pay attention to my work. The stress of everything was eating me up inside, and I just needed a day where I didn't have to worry about any of that.

"Hey neighbour."

I jumped at the sound of his voice, coughing up the smoke I had inhaled as I did so and whipping my head to the side of the balcony that almost met up with Hawks'. I took a deep breath, squinting at the bright and yet tired smile he sent my way, leaning back in my chair. I had been so caught up in my own head I hadn't heard his door open, or heard his footsteps as he approached. I raised an eyebrow as he leaned over his railing, his eyes taking in my too tired to care state, lingering on the smoke coming from my lips and waiting for my coughing fit to die down.

"Hey," I greeted "Don't fucking scare me like that, what the hell?"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he chuckled "Mind if I join you?"

Without waiting for me to respond Hawks had jumped, flapping his crimson wings a few times. He took off from his balcony, crossed the small gap and landed on mine. Rolling my eyes I put out my finished cigarette and opened the carton for another one. It had been a shit night and was going to be an even longer day, I could already tell. I went to light my smoke, only to have the lighter swiped from my fingers. I raised a brow and finally turned my attention to the bird man next to me, only to realise he had swiped one of my precious cancer sticks from me. This guy really had no sense of boundaries, huh? Not that I overly minded, it just wasn't something I was particularly used to, especially not when he did so so casually. It was odd.

"A pretty girl should never light her own smoke," Hawks smirked, holding the lit lighter out to me after lighting his own

I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh as he lit my smoke for me, and I immediately took a drag in. We sat there in silence for a while, Hawks having taken up the seat at my small table opposite me. I looked past his shoulder at the sun rise, contemplating and over thinking every little action he had ever made around me. He was a known flirt, so I really shouldn't be reading too far into things, for my own mental health, but I couldn't help it. He was charming and sweet and complex and damn it if he wasn't attractive.

Fuck. He was attractive. How was I meant to keep things professional later.

"So, miss PR lady, what do we have in store today?" Hawks asked, leaning his elbows on the table, his head resting on the palm of his hand "I know you told me yesterday but I wasn't really listening."

"Fucking idiot," I giggled fondly, rolling my eyes affectionately at him "We have a shoot today, remember? It's for a collab between those two companies, the mutant one and the non mutant one,"

"Wait, we?" Hawks asked, excitement coating his tone and his wings ruffling ever so slightly "You'll be with me?"

"HR and I talked and decided that getting me involved in things like this will help solidify our image as a couple," I shrugged, grinning at the cute bird man in front of me who was quite literally bristling in excitement "It could be fun."

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