-2- Eh? Excuse me, but I am of Lan Sect! Not the Jiang Sect!

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Lan!WWX transmigrated into Canon!WWX, Lan Wangji tranmigrated into Canon!LWJ, Jiang Bashing, Possessive Lan Wangji

His brother was captivated by the bright smile from a dirty kid. A dirty kid that was playing by himself despite the hardships of living in the streets.

Wangji's wonder is evident in his face.

As he watched Wei Wuxian's life, he can't help but think that his addition to his family had been a good influence.

He saw himself struggling yet happy whenever all three of them will meet. He saw Wangji possessively place his arms on Wei Wuxian's waist that he and his other self had to raise their hand and cover their lips to hide the amusement.

He saw how his Shufu held an exasperated but fond gaze whenever he looked at Wei Wuxian. He saw how the Cloud Recesses changed for the better.

The elders are even fond of Wei Wuxian, he managed to capture their hearts with his inventions.

The only hindrance is the Jiangs. He felt Wei Wuxian's confusion when the first day of the lecture started. He was being mocked and bullied by the Jiang disciples.

He saw how Wangji's eyes turned, even more, colder whenever a Jiang disciple, especially Jiang Wanyin, came closer to Wei Wuxian.

When Jiang Wanyin was expelled after the fight with Jin Zixuan, everything returned to normal.

He was also quite surprised that Wei Wuxian was friends with Jin Zixuan. But it seemed like not being with the Jiangs changed his life.

Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Huaisang, and Jin Zixuan had bid each other goodbyes after the lecture was over.

All is well...

Until the Wens attacked them. Accusing them that they are planning to overthrow the Wen Sect with their inventions. They demanded to burn their Library.

Technically, their barriers should hold up. Wei Wuxian even added a strong layer over their current barrier.

However, one of their disciples, Su Minshan, gave them his token and it allowed them to enter. If not for his cowardice, Wen Xu would never be able to enter and break the barrier inside.

He saw how the Lan Cultivators were quick to evacuate to the cave. He saw himself also running. He saw with his own eyes how the Cloud Recesses burn.

He saw how Wangji's leg had been broken.

Indoctrination Camp was the worse. He wanted to rescue Wei Wuxian when he was sent into the dungeons and had to fight the dog.

He nearly collapsed in relief when Wen Qionglin came and helped him.

Oh, Wei Wuxian met Wen Qionglin during the Archery Competition. In his timeline, Wen Qionglin did not participate the competition and was even embarrassed. In this competition, Wen Qionglin was able to play because of Wei Wuxian's gentle compliments and after a while, Wangji's comments.

He was actually surprised that Wangji would willingly compliment someone but remembered Wei Wuxian. Oh well...

He had a good laugh when Wei Wuxian accidentally tugged Wangji's forehead ribbon, untying it completely from his forehead.

He felt Wei Wuxian tense up and looked warily at Lan Wangji.

He was met by an indifferent gaze but there was an amusement.

At first, Lan Xichen did not know why but when Lan Wangji tied his forehead ribbon to Wei Wuxian's wrist, he let out a loud laugh. Wei Wuxian's expression was priceless!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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