Chapter 17 the case

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I can't breath in here

There was so much tension in the room, the air thick and heavy. Zahar was the first to walk out, Miss Davis and Mr.Frey following her shortly after.

Zoë and me were still sitting and trying to process all the information while Kyle was talking to Mr. van Dale

„Isn't this shit crazy, LA baby !? That's across the entire states! Ughhh I really wanna go Sam ! We have to win!" Zoë wispernd in my ear.

„Trust me Zoë I was thinking the exact same thing! We have to win ! I don't know these people and I really wanna go with you.! And-Shit Koni ?! What am I supposed to do with him Zoë?! I mean I don't even know if I'll win, but if that's the case and you also win ... I can't leave him alone. And I can't just take him"

„Sam chill! We'll find someone! everything is still unclear! Trust me we will find someone. But for now concentrate and focus on winning!"

As Zoë started leaving the room I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. Thinking it was Kyle telling me to leave I turned around lazily.

And there it was, Mr. van Dal's bend down face not even 3 centimeters away from mine. Our lips almost touching.

I chocked on the air, inhaling his beautiful scent.

He smelled very good... a mix of fresh cologne together and his own intoxicating scent hitting my senses.

His eyes are cold ice cold. Face plain with little to no expression except challenging at something else I can't really understand.

„Don't disappoint me Mr. Tanaka, I'm watching you." He leans forward whispering into my ear.

My body lit on fire, I felt goosebumps everywhere and my breathing was slow and hot.

He back up gave me one last arrogantly smile and walked away.

I was fucked ... so fucking fucked.

It's been already two days.

The case gave me a big headache.

A women (29) and her (33) years old boyfriend both being accused of murdering they best friend female (31). The event took place in her own apartment, the murder weapon a gun right through her skull. They first classified it as a suicide attempt since they found a farewell letter. Both of them visiting her, but the woman left the apartment first. Last person getting out of her house was the 33 years old men.

Since he's a police officer and in possession of a gun all suspicious go back to him.

Even tho the woman has a alibi her boyfriend accused her of doing it. Both parties blaming the other one.

Now it's word agains word.

My client is the boyfriend and Magnús ( Mr.Frey) will defend the woman.

You see the evidence seems pretty clear in the beginning giving the woman aka. Magnús a good head start. But something wasn't making sense. First the gun that was in her right hand even tho she was left handed, a suicide letter even tho she had no mental health problems.
People also said that the woman was very jealous of her and had been visible violent towards other people.

And the men.. according to his information, he left the apartment at around 4 p.m. The murder happened exactly one hour later. But since he got late to work and nobody saw him leaving the apartment he had no stabil alibi. It says that there was a big accident on his way to work and he had to ride a different route, which led to him getting lost and late. It seemed very dark for my client.

How am I going to defend a men with no solid alibi?!

"Ughhh I'm never gonna win !" Zoë was sitting on my couch petting Koni and eating ice cream.

"I mean these are not even real people I can't just walk up to them and asked them like, Hey did you kill your best friend ? No? Well my bad."

"Zoë you don't need to win the case all you have to do, is having better arguments."

Oh who was I trying to impress? I was just as helpless as Zoë.

This case need's to have some hidden messages! It wouldn't make any sense if not. What I'm I missing ? What is it ?!

Day 5

What am I missing here. It's clear that the woman has some secrets. According to her alibi she was last seen shopping at the mall.

And the men it's says the neighbor saw him leaving the apartment on time since he was leaving for work.

I was still struggling. I've read all the pages all the information we got from childhood to allergies.

It's says that the two had been friend vor over 20 years and never really fought. He first met his girlfriend 6 years ago through that friend.

She had a problem with alcohol and some chronically issues. I was reading through her information.

Violent, jealous, hart to handle. People called her two face. She seems nice one day and aggressive the next. On day she wore revealing clothes the other time she wore conservative clothes. One day she was greeting her neighbors and out of now where she was screaming at them.

This woman really was neo@£+]+.wmlsö #¥]¥,'w (censored)

"WAIT ! That's it !!!!"


Well what do you think happened here ? Sam and all the other interns where really struggling these past few days

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